𝟚: 𝕚𝕟𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕫𝕒𝕜𝕚 𝕙𝕚𝕘𝕙

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-inarizaki high-

(y/n's pov)

we arrived to school finally after a 15 minute drive. the drive felt long while i was constantly bickering & annoying my twin brother.

after all i am the better twin. hehehe.

i opened the car door with full speed. "oops!" i ought to be more careful but it's my nature to be rough and strong . my brother throws a glare at me and with eyes that spoke to me to be careful. "sheesh i know! my bad."

"seriously thought (y/n), please be more careful!" aran said. "i'm so sorry that (y/n) did that, my apologies sir."

"ah don't sweat it kid, i know she didn't mean to do it on purpose." spoke the driver.

"okay thank you, we must take our leave then. farewell, mr. kousuke!"

"bye, mr. driver sorry about earlier!" i said.

i hopped out the car followed by aran. we both made our through the school entrance to the office. we received lots of glances but we both didn't care.

"i must say this school is pretty huge." aran stated.

"that's what she said!" i laughed.

"i beg your pardon." (aran: 👁👄👁)

i laughed seriously i laughed so hard, tears started to flow.

anyways, we arrived & i push the door open but this time slightly soft. we made our way into the office. a plump old lady who sat on the front desk looked up & greeted us.

"ah. you must be the famous ojiro twins! welcome to inarizaki high and i assume you're both here to get your assigned schedules?" she said.

"uhh...yeah. uhh.. since when were we famous?" i said.

"since our parents are literally run a multi-billionaire company, did you forget (y/n)?" he rolled his eyes and had crossed his arms, such a power stance i must say.

"yeah i sure did, ahaha." knowing damn well i didn't but i just don't want the attention on me.

"don't be silly like your brother said you parents are quite famous. plus your father gave us a call letting us know you would be attending inarizaki high." she said while she smiled.

"of course, of course!" my brother said proudly.

"o-ookay then."i deadpanned.

"well here you have it, your schedules kids!oh since it's the 1st day of school & you're 1st years, please make your way to the auditorium for orientation." she beamed.

"okay, muchas gracias." i said. i'm pretty sure she didn't understand my spanish but that's okay!

"arigatou gozaimasu!" followed my brother.

-mini timeskip-

"oh god finally we made it here! why the fuck did the walk gotta be so damn long for?!" i said as i was clearly trying to catch my breathing back.

"how did you even lose your breath in the first place so quickly when we played volleyball?" aran deadpanned.

"dude literally lemme catch a break okay! the walk so longgggg." i squinted at him.

"mmkay just breathe in & out, calm down." as aran signaled me to do my breathing exercises.

"yes thank you!" i said as i put my hands onto my knees, taking a mini break.

everyone looked at us when we opened the doors of the auditorium. we put the whole audience in some sort of genjutsu because they all stopped and stared at us, not moving a muscle.

"omg, the ojiro twins are attending our school?!" everyone murmured.

"ah shit this is kinda bad..." i said in a low whisper only aran could hear.

"don't stress it you're bound to get used to it." aran places a hand onto my head as he ruffled my curly hair.

"right." i started to break into a cold sweat. my anxiety started to slowly creep on me. i was about to head out since i couldn't take it anymore until i felt someone tap on my shoulder. i snapped myself back to reality & i'm glad i did.

"oh excuse me, i couldn't help myself but to talk to you guys since you're like us! twins. i'm pretty sure we're the only set of twins here so i was like why not." said a pair of voices behind me.

i slowly turned around to look who tapped my shoulder to see identical twins who was indeed wayyy taller than me had spoken to us. he had an undercut with blonde hair while i assume his twin brother who was standing next to him had the same undercut but with greyish/silverish hair. they were the same height. i was kind of intimidated since i was the shortest one here. (i'm sorry tall readers) while aran stood at 6'0.

i must say these twins were pretty attractive. i stood dead in my tracks. they were fit and seemed the athletic type. i wonder if they play any sports.

"oh um what's your guys names then?" i felt heat rising on my cheeks. i tint of pink spread across my face.

aran only waved at them but he didn't speak up yet.

"oh sorry! i should've introduced myself. i'm miya atsumu & this is my twin brother miya osamu." he only smiled while speaking.

"hey, nice to meet you." the grey haired boy waved.

"oh nice to meet you guys too! i'm ojiro (y/n), you can call me (y/n) because i don't really care about formalities, and this is my twin brother ojiro aran.

"well hello there!" aran spoke.

"wow that's a pretty nice name for someone like you (y/n). plus you being short makes you look really cute. i don't think i ever seen you around here." atsumu said proudly.

"oh, dear brother please don't start this." osamu said abruptly.

"oh shut yer trap!" atsumu complained while sticking his tongue out at him.

"oh-oh t-thank you." i only managed to choke those words out because i was flustered.

aran just smiled & nodded y'all because he's just as reserved as he can ever be.

after orientation finished, the miya twins & us conversed all day long. we got to be acquaintances fairly quickly. it struck me odd the aran was getting along with the miya twins really well, especially atsumu. to our surprise we all ended up with the same classes all together.

we all swapped phone numbers eventually because we were nice enough to do so.

i'm pretty sure they knew we were quite popular since our parents were famous but they just wanted to be our friends, plain & simple. i think that's what made me really appreciate them the most & got out friendships to flourish.

to be continued

a/n: i hope you had a great day today <3

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