i won

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last time fabian acused eddie of dating nina over the summer. and was about to attack eddie.

a figure came out off nowhere

?: Yeah whats going on.


victor: mrs marin wwhat are you doing here.

nina: not letting the society push me around and take me way.

mr sweat: nina we have to do this one what or another... your coming with us. you wont have your friends protecting you forever.

anubis not sibuna are confused and are all just standing there.

nina: maybe maybe not. but as i am a 15 year old that inharited both my father and mothers companies since my gran passed away this summer because of senkara. and in my grans will she left me everything. including bodygards to make sure i'm safe... since it has to be a martin to run the companies. so you cant touch me.

anubis students are amazed

victor: your bluffing.

nina: am i? everyone meet stanly fredric mustawfa and sheldon. (tall buff men age 34-37) and my father owned so i now own a schoolboard and i now own a few loyars so i can have all the society that works here replaced. one wrong move and your out of here. she then smirked.

alfie: i cant believe this.

sheldon: well believe it because mrs martin in now the most weathly hostes in america. and we will do anything to make sure mrs martin could fufill her dutties and make sure shes safe.

nina: stop with the formalities stop with the "mrs martin"

fred: its in our code to address our boss as "mrs" or "mr"

nina: remind me to change that. so eric. she spat his name. your move.

mr sweat: very well

victor: but eric.

mr: sweat: she has us beat. and i do recall last year the others quit and i tried but you made me continue. so give up OR I WILL be the one to fire you.

victor: in that case i'll be out in the morning. let me collect my things.

nina: victor.

victor: yes you little...

nina: are the potions and chemicals in the cellar the last ones like anywhere.

victor: yes why.

nina: stanly dispose of those emediatly.

he nods his head and goes into the cellar.

victor: you cant do that. those are personal belongings.

nina: if they were. wouldnt they be i dont know... at home.

stanly comes back.

stanly: its done.

victor: NO!!! THAT ELIXIR WAS ONLY TO BE CREATED ONE WAY. JUST WHEN I FINALLY HAD EVERTHING. FATHER... i have failed you. i guess this really is the end. this is the last you will ever see of me. ever and you are safe from the others.

nina: that doest mean i'll put my gard down. goodbye vic. him and sweat are about to leave.

mr sweat: who will be your care taker.

nina: i got this. she puts on then turns on her bluetooth. Hello... hi dian its nina... i was woundering would you mind being anubis houses care taker.... well youve been looking for a job and you love teens so.... yahu... yeah... ok. yeah totaly. ok see you soon. smooches. turns it off. there. in a few hours she'll be here.

mr sweat and victor leave.

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