girls day part 5

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they are all inside and from 6 girls to 3 come out.

all: ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!

amber: ouch. that hurt. alot.

willow: ouch.

amber: is everyone ok.

a figure appears from the smoke.

mara: i am

willow: me to.

nina: mara willow. youve been... fused together.

joy: there not.. the only ones. hiss. did i just hiss.

patricia: out of all the girls i could of been fused with. i was fused with amber.

amber: just lucky i guess.


people fused:

nina joy= jina. n jina= nina speaking. j jina= joy speaking.

ams pat= ambrica. a ambrica= ams speaking p ambrica= pat speaking

mara willow= willa. m willa= mara speaking. w willa= willow speaking


w willa: squeeee this is soooo freaky.

m willa: weve become fusions.

p ambrica: what are we gonna do. how did this happen.

nina sees a note by the matchine and tries walking to it. it took a while and looked weird cuz with 2 people in 1 body... its hard to operate it. by the time she got the note weird things were happening with her and her friends. when willa sneezed plants began to grow uncontroably. ambrica was breathing fire. her and joy hissed she began to read the note.

n jina: project time travle. i have discovered the seceret to time travle. this project is secret. so seceret my wife doesnt even know about it. tho it was a sucssess. i have been known to find some bugs that creat side affects. list of effects. fire breath. plant groth. cat like abilites. rocket feet. super speed. and so many others. i leave this note to those who may find my lab and hope you find this note be4 anything. signed robert frobisher smithe. not reading anymore. man if only someone found this note earlier. then we could of avoided all of this.

j jina: well sorry that im a klutz. im sorry what can i say; im a curious kitty. hiss

n jina: not the time joy.

willa sneezes and plants begin to grow.

m willa: did i just do that.

w willa: oh fiddle sticks, well you sneezed but it was both of us.

a ambricia: well um i think we should vote on who moves the body. if not we'll be all over the place.

p ambricia: i coudnt agree more. so first with willa.... did i just say that. urg... the sooner we vote the sooner we can get fixed and i wont have a piece of ambers brain anymore.

w willa: no need... mara you should take over.

m willa: really thanks

w willa: well i dont want to mess up anything for you. so you take charge.

m willa: you dont...

a ambricia: enough with the jiba jaba whos controling our body.

j jina: i think it should be pat... shed be fair in what you to... uh one will wear.

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