girls day part 4

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fabian: um i uh... dont you think auntie patricia will allow it. its pat were talking about. there family.

sara: you know there not actually related to us right. compare them to you. your complete opposites. i want to make the world my own. like you said.

fabian: i did say that didnt i. wel honey. your only this many. he holds up 9 fingers.

sara: daddy im 9 i dont say. 'im this many' anymore. dad you need an update im not a little kid anymore.

fabian: gasp.your growing up so fast. stop growing up.

sara: sorry dad. its the circle of life. it doesnt stop.

fabian: well your not even close to the age were you only begin finding out who you are. you dont find out for a while.

sara: i am more grown up then you thing. whats my favorite tv show. hu.

fabian: um.. the next step.

sara: sooooo wrong. the vampire diaries. i know what im doing. i want my world. when is it mine dad.

a/n i love how i made the rest of them stand there and watch.

fabian: when you know who you are. but you wont know fully till your older. i mean its not like you can wear who you are.

sara: wanna bet. she leaves then 2 min later she comes back with a t-shirt. fudora (hat) and tights with words all over them. the kids read them

mara: smart funny kind sweat.

joy: lovable. dreamer. sencetive.

patricia: sarcastic rude friendly. shy. confident.

willow: weird. special. unique. talented.

amber: fashionable. artistic. perky.

nina:gifted loved. respectful. wondrful. firce. in love uh.. i uh mean like. and all grown up.

fabian: nothing.i no nothing. i dont know anything anymore. he slumps on the couch running a hand through his hair.

mara: wow. over um protective mch.

sara: if you think hes protective now. just wait till he finds out we kissed.

amber: dont you think you should have whispered that last part.

fabian: you What.

nina old: um she was kidding right. she said as in just say you were.

sara: surrrrre.

fabian: just like your mother be4 she lyied about where patty was. when she was kiddnaped. you are not a good lyier.

sara: um.......... BYE. she runs out of the room then comes back quick. it was nice meeting you at your young selves. bye. she left again.

pat: isnt she a peach. oh ya in 20 years about well be family if those to hit it of.
fabians face goes pail. what who knows i could be a nice aunt. plus i love her now. and when we go back i will remember her. this is gona be fun.

amber: how long has its been.

joy: about 45 min. that should give the matchine enough juice to send us back. lets go.

nina: mumbles. who mad her queen. not. lets get going.

all: bye.

amber: how are we sure it will bring us back. what if it sends us even more forward. or to back.

mara: lets just hope for the best. you coming.

her and willow goin.

amber: wait for me.

she pulls pat with her.

joy: chosen be4 not.

nina just rolls her eyes and goes in and joy follows.

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