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Jennie looked up from her phone. Eyes narrowing at the blonde who just entered the room. "You're not Kim Jisoo."

"I'm not..." Lisa trailed off. "I was, uhm, instructed by Kim Jisoo to keep you company for a few minutes while she wrapped things up."

"So she's late," Jennie stated.

"No? No," Lisa grimaced. "She just needs a few minutes is all."

Jennie stared at the blonde for a few seconds before standing up. She grabbed her handbag and smiled (although not earnestly) at Lisa, "I'm leaving."

Lisa's eyes widened, "Whoa, wait," she placed her hands in front of her, "Stop."

Jennie sighed, "What?"

"She'll be here soon, I swear."

"No, sorry. I don't tolerate late people."

"I know you don't, Jen, but seriously this is ridiculous, it's only a couple of minutes."

It was a slip up. Lisa blamed it on the situation, really. She wasn't thinking properly, she was put on the spot, she didn't think her words through.

"What did you just say?" Jennie placed her hands on her hips and cocked her head to the side.


"And 'Jen'? Do you think we're best buds or something?"

Lisa stuttered, "Uhm, sorry, I didn't mean it like that."

Even with Lisa's hands in front of her—a signal for Jennie to just stay put—Jennie kept on walking. She kept on walking forward, and Lisa had to walk backwards as a response.

It was when Lisa's back hit the door that she panicked, because she had nowhere else to go, but Jennie was still walking.

"Can you move?" Jennie stared at her, her resting bitch face in place. "Hello? I said, move?"

Lisa was dumbfounded. Because, okay, the old Jennie had some temper, sure... but she wasn't this rude all the time.

(A voice in the back of Lisa's head was telling her that she deserved it. The way she acted cold towards Jennie and now she was on the receiving end. The universe sure knew how to put out a good karma.)

It was then the fact that Jennie was suddenly so close that made Lisa couldn't handle these emotions that she was feeling anymore, and so she shouted: "What the fuck is your problem?"

Jennie looked taken aback, "Excuse me?"

"I'm just trying to do my job!" Lisa groaned. "Things not going your way doesn't give you a pass to be a bitch to people!"

Jennie scoffed, "You don't know me. You don't know anything about me, so just shut up."

Wrong. I knew everything about you.

You liked nighttime, because the world was asleep and there were only the two of us. You liked kimchi fried rice—can make a damn good one too. You liked the way the street smelled after it rained, it reminded you of our first kiss when we were fifteen. You liked daisies, you said they reminded you of us: two flowers blending perfectly together.

You hated it when the ramen was overcooked, and that was a shame because that was the only way I knew how to cook them, but you still ate them anyway. You hated the sound of thunder, but you liked it when it stormed because I would always keep you safe under the covers.

Even when things changed, I still knew you. You didn't like it anymore when I used to crawl into your bed every night, because it meant you would wake up to an empty bed. You didn't like to cook some kimchi fried rice for me anymore, Chaeyoung did it instead. You didn't like it when it rained, everything was dull and depressing and you just wanted the sun to come back. You didn't like daisies anymore to the point that you got rid of every daisy thing that you owned. You never eat my overcooked ramen anymore, because we were hardly in the same room in the first place. And when it stormed, you played some music to drown out the noise and forced yourself to sleep instead of waiting for me to come. Because I never came anymore.

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