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The first thing Lisa noticed upon entering the club was the sea of people that made it hard for her to even get to the booth. The music was blaring in her ears and the smell of smoke wafted towards her nose. A strobe light shone against her eyes, making her squint and stop in her tracks. Seulgi and Doyeon were walking ahead of her and she quickly grabbed onto Doyeon's hand, forcing her to stop as well.

"What's wrong?" Doyeon spoke towards Lisa's ear.

Lisa shook her head, pinching the bridge of her nose. "I'm fine. Got disoriented for a second."

"Okay." Doyeon turned around, still keeping her hand linked with Lisa's. Lisa let herself get dragged, Doyeon maneuvering them easily around the crowd.

It felt like forever until they finally reached the booth where Jisoo and the rest were currently sitting. Everyone was exchanging their 'hi's and 'nice to meet you's and Lisa couldn't focus on any of that. Not when her gaze instantly landed on Jennie.

Her mantra before entering the club had been to not look at Jennie throughout the night, but all thoughts of that completely flew out the window the moment they arrived at the booth and she could feel Jennie's eyes on her.

Their eyes locked for a second before Jennie broke away first, her eyes falling down to Lisa's left hand—her hand that was tightly intertwined with Doyeon's. Lisa blamed the dark lighting of the club, because there was no way that Jennie looked dejected at that.

Lisa felt a tug at her hand and realized that Doyeon was motioning for her to take a seat. She glanced up once more at Jennie, but the latter's gaze was now focused on the drink in front of her.

Lisa slid into the booth next to Doyeon and accepted the drink that Jisoo held out to her, muttering a 'thanks'. Once she did, Lisa felt the pair of brown eyes from across the table back on her.

Their eye contact lasted longer this time, Lisa didn't know why Jennie was looking at her like that. It was a gaze that felt so familiar, and it was that reason that made Lisa instantly chug her drink.

"Whoa," Lisa heard someone say, a giggle following after. "No rush, sweetie. We have all night."


"Chaeyoung, nice to see you again." Lisa shouted over the music to the blonde, who was seated in between her sister and Jisoo.

"You too!" She lifted a bottle of vodka, silently asking Lisa if she wanted some, to which Lisa nodded in reply. Chaeyoung took Lisa's now empty glass and poured some into it. "We're out of shot glasses, sorry! This one over here," she pointed a thumb at Jennie. "Accidentally elbowed them to the ground and now they keep on giving us plastic cups."

Lisa couldn't help it and joined in on the laughter. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Jennie's head snap towards Lisa. Feeling uncomfortable, she gulped the drink Chaeyoung gave her and kept her stare on the blonde.

"Can they actually do that?" asked Seulgi.

"Apparently!" Chaeyoung answered back.

Alice placed her arm around Jennie's shoulder, "You have to excuse this one. She had some pre-drinks at her place so she's already well on her way to being extra drunk." After a moment, she added. "Although, she became extremely calm these past few minutes. Are you okay?" Alice teased.

Jennie playfully shoved her away. "It's not my fault they didn't know the risks when they decided to open a club."

Lisa felt Doyeon bump her shoulder against hers. "I can see why you're so hung up on her, to be honest."

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