Chapter 3

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       He's on fire. The king's flames of passions ignite the air between us. My body timidly burns and I am more exposed than I have ever been. My large chima hides my trembling legs, but the fear still radiates from my hands. King Min is undeniably a threat.

       Before my discourteous behavior is noticeable, I lower myself into a bow, "Greetings Jeonha mama." my eyes dart to the queen, "Greetings Jungjeon mama. I am Moe Hye-Rin and I am honored to have this meeting with you."

       "You may sit down," the King's voice is surprisingly soothing.

       I sit on the floor pillow beside the queen. She doesn't turn to look at me, keeping her eye glued to the table between us and the king. The woman's slender fingers remain poised in her lap. She's just another statue in this palace that decorates the hall; she's everything a queen should be: strong willed, yet submissive to the law and customs that have reigned over this kingdom for hundreds of years. The only crack in her porcelain perfection is her inability to bare heirs to the king: the greatest dishonor a woman could have in her position.

       For a moment, I pity the queen. Her worth is measured by the one thing she is unable to control in her life. But I must dismiss these feelings and focus on my own predicament. The king's stare has never left me, his eyes penetrate mine as I return my attention to him. Once again, I am alone with King Min. Every other person feels insignificant as I stare at him. His attractive face and fluffy black hair seduces me. But he is the forbidden fruit that will cause me to spiral into madness.

       "You have been raised by your Imobu, correct?" The king asks.

       "Yes I have, Jeonha." I push away the indecent thoughts.

       "Why did you not live with your parents instead." He notes my hesitation.

       Once he finds out I come from a impoverished family, will the king send me home? "The rest of my family was killed in a house fire when I was six, I have been living with my Imobu since then."

       The king is silent for a moment, "That must have been hard on you." I question myself on how to respond to this. He notices my silence and continues talking, "Jungjeon has praised you for your respectful and docile behavior. Therefore, I have no concern in selecting you to be the hugung. Do you have any issues with this decision?"

       I am taken aback by his question. Is he seriously wanting to know my opinion? Or is the king just being courteous? Either way, I no longer am able to return to the life I had with my family on top of the snowy hill. I will become the person I hate the most. "No, I have no issues with your decision, Jeonha."

       A quiet protest slips from the queen's lips, but the king seems unbothered. His eyes search for the lie within my words. I do not give him the satisfaction of spotting any uncertainty. Instead, I smile. Hiding behind a content face is something I have grown accustomed to.

       Although the king is still unsure of my answer, he moves on, "With that being said, there will be a ceremony conducted to officially acknowledge you as the Gantaek hugung* where you will be given the rank of Sukui*."

       "I understand. Thank you for this opportunity, Jeonha and Jungjeon." My voice is meek. I will be given a new title, a new life. I will be forced to bare the children of the man in front of me. I will be first controlled by the king, then also by my son. That is the glorious opportunity I have been given.

       The king says a few more flattering words to ease the situation, but his expression tells me more than words could ever. He has become completely disinterested in me. Of course, a man who has been given everything will not be amused by a random woman. My burdens do not affect King Min; he may not even notice them. However, that's fine with me. I do not require the pity of any man, especially not the pity of the king of Korea.

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