We live in a world where we hide to make love,
While violence is practiced in broad daylight.
I had been on my own from the very starting, until my grandfather came into my life. It had been easier to be alone then. Never having felt the warmth of another made it easier. Now that my grandfather had left me the emptiness in my heart engulfed me. There was no warmth now. There was no Pappie.
After the funeral, my father forced me to live with him. I was 16 then. He sold off Pappie's property and dragged me to his own. I was thrown into the cellar that was my room and left to fend for myself. My room. It smelt the same. Of liquor and of violence. Of helplessness and of blood. Of rejection and of hate. Yes, dear reader, it smelt exactly the same.
I stumbled around the room feeling the damp walls with my fingertips. I tried talking to my wolf. "Hey, I could use some help." I said. Where I was blind, my wolf could see through my eyes and she was kind enough to guide me when I reunited with her in Pappie's home. Now, it seemed that she had left me again. She hadn't talked to me since the funeral. Not even a whimper.
I continued walking, the wall supporting my hand. I had to memorize this room again. I was on my own. Using the wall, I found the door. I tried to open it. It was locked. This was definitely the main door. I reached out for the bed with my hand. I knew it had been right beside the door when I lived here earlier. I found the bed. I sat down on the bed and the tears I had been holding back finally departed.
I don't know how much time passed until the door was opened again. All I knew was that the sun had gone down and there was still no sign of my father. I had spent my time doing what I was really good at, and that was daydreaming. I thought of the day I would meet my mate and I played around with a variety of scenarios. Each more romantically cheesy than the other. This was just to pass time. In reality I had no expectations from him. I knew he would reject and and I didn't blame him. "Only if he were someone kind", I sighed.
THUD THUD THUD THUD..... I was whisked out of my reverie by the noise that kept getting closer and closer. I just wish it was my dad and no one else. Funny I should think that way. Right?
It was indeed my dad and he was drunk. Very drunk. "Leah! Leah!" he choked on his booze. I retracted myself on the bed the same way a turtle retracts itself into his shell. Scared. "Come here, Leah. Don't be scared. I won't hurt you." My father was delirious. He knocked off a lamp on his way to my bed. The mattress sunk down under his weight and I knew he was there. He took off my blindfold caressing my cheek at the same time. I shivered uncontrollably. "Ssshhh. Don't be scared." He nuzzled my neck. I was disgusted. However, I couldn't do a thing. He would snap and hurt me either way. It was better to endure.
"Ohh, Leah, I have missed you", he said, kissing my neck. A silent tear escaped my useless eyes. I am not too sure what happened but a moment later he lay on my bed, snoring monstrously. I released a breath which I didn't know I had been holding. I had gotten lucky tonight. I felt the bed with my hands and after mapping out his body, carefully made my way off the mattress. I made my way through the corridors, occasionally knocking off something and down the stairs. It was a long time before I reached the kitchen. I found some bread and sat down on something, slowly nibbling the piece. This was my petty life now, and I had to accept it.
I slowly got used to my life at my father's house. It was a difficult process, considering how happy I had been at my Pappie's place. There were days when I went without food and days when I was beaten rather badly. Despite my position, I tried maintaining a positive demeanor. That's the only thing that could get me through this torture. So while my father rained blows on my stomach all I could think was..."This will get over. This will get over. This, will get over."
Hello everyone.
This is the first time I have undertaken the challenge of writing a novel. Please don't read the other one I wrote because I seriously don't know what the hell was I thinking when I wrote it and to be very frank that little book is worse that horrible. Don't blame me if you do read it for you have been warned. So let's just say this is my first serious novel.
I will be updating every week if not every day. I hope you are liking the book so far.
So, sit tight because time's gonna fly and Blue is gonna find herself with a mate in the coming chapter. Do you have any name suggestions? Please leave them in the comments.
Thanks for reading, please vote or leave a comment. Its much appreciated.

Into The Woods
RomanceBlue Dunne. The blind daughter of a beta. Scorned by father and neglected by her pack finally finds a home when she moves in with her grandfather. However, fate's cruel ways whisk away her happiness when her grandfather departs the world. A beaut...