Chapter 37

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Ryia's POV (past)

I reached over the counter that I barely could see over. I looked down at a puppy eyed Gabriel and remembered who I was doing this for. I sighed before I reached over the counter again. The uneven and rough edges dug into my skin leaving a few marks most likely. I finally found what I was searching for and scooted the box closer to the edge before I could full grab the box. At first I struggled with the box from how heavy it was but I managed.
"Pssstttt Gabe!" I called trying to gain his attention. He looked over at me with his innocent face. I pointed at the box we took from our Father's work place. They were some of the spare parts to build creatures with. He slowly walked over and sat down with me. For about 4 hours we worked hard on our creatures. My animal had a slim body that was covered in stripes, it had long teeth and it's face was a little scrunched up. I thought long and hard what I would call it.
"A tiger!" I yelled excitedly. Gabe's head swung up with shock written on his face. "Sorry." I said embarrassed.
"What's a t-tig-g-ger?" He asked with the name sounding foreign to him.
"It's my creature's name." I said as I looked down. As soon as I was about to ask him what his creature was, I sensed an angry Michael heading our way.
"Gabe I need you to hid in the shed over there okay?" I said as I ushered him over there, willing to take the wrath of Michael alone. I returned to the area with the box and acted as if I didn't notice him coming. A sharp sting swelled in my cheek and I cupped my face from the unusual emotion of pain. I wasn't used to war, pain, or anything like that because none of the Angels included me in it. I was innocent and naive to those things. Tears threatened my eyes from the assault. Another wave of pain rolled over me as my other cheek swelled from the impact of his hand. I looked up with tears clouding my vision to see what I did that was so wrong.
"Don't you know how to stay out of things?! Those aren't yours to play with! What, are you crying because I tapped your cheek?! You're weak and too protected from pain!" Michael seethed. He suddenly grabbed my arm and dragged me to a black door with fire painted on it. I looked over to Michael with confusion and fear written on my face. Gabe and I had been told never to go near or open that door but I never understood why. Michael began to open the door and I tried to wiggle out of his grasped for fear of what was down there. He slapped me harder this time and my head slammed against the door frame and black spots filled my vision. I fell to the ground trying to understand what was happening. An unbearable pain started in my ribs when Michael's foot connected with my side. I heard cracks and a laugh as I tumbled down the stairs to an unfamiliar place.

I opened my eyes and found myself on a road.

"What?" I mumbled. I turned to see an army of cars moving towards me. I yelped and jumped out of the way right as the cars would have connected to my already broken body. I got up and started to follow the cars, only to almost run into a sign when I wasn't painting attention. "highway" it read. I shrugged and just continued to walk side by side with the cars.

My legs felt like jelly by the time I finally found civilization. I started to walk over to official looking men and they only looked at me in disgust. They shouted something in another language that I didn't understand. Suddenly two other official looking men appeared next to me and grabbed my arms.
"Hey what are you doing?!" I shouted. The only smiled at me. I was being dragged and I couldn't do anything to stop it. I've never felt so helpless and alone. We appeared in another place in the blink of an eye. I gasped realizing that they teleported. They threw me to the ground before disappearing.
"You can't be more than 9." A deep voice said behind me. Yet another official looking man, who I started to assume were guards, said to me. I slowly but loudly gulped as the man crept closer. His feral smile sent chills down my spine as I tried desperately to make more room between the man and I but a wall stopped me.
"W-where am I?" I asked with my voice cracking. The man looked confused briefly before saying.
"Hell." Then he left.

Day after day I barely was given food or water. Today was different. Demons dragged me out of the cell before chaining me to a wall. An oldish looking man walked in with a tray if silver. I peered closer I saw a gleaming curved knife next to a cup of blackish blood. Demon blood. I screamed and tried to get out of the chains, knowing that Demon blood could kill an Angel.
"Oh yes this will be fun." He said while clapping his hands together in delight. Tears spilled out of my eyes as he began to walk over to me with the weird looking knife. Slowly dragged the blade across my skin, drawing blood. The cuts were all deep and would leave scars if I made it out alive. The man would dip his fingers in the Demon blood before smearing it on my cuts. I watched as the cuts sizzled and bubbled. I screamed out in agony and felt my organs already becoming infected with it. I would be brought to the brink of Death, when some Demon would heal me and make me go through it again. The first few months were physical torture but now it started to mentally break me. Fear. I felt spiders craw all over me but was powerless to do anything. I watched everyday as Gabriel would be cut like I was months before. Day after day I would watch as they cut into Gabe and my twin, Lucifer, or I would be facing my biggest fears. Finally a tall blonde man interrupted the torture session before it started.
"WHAT IS GOING ON?!" He screamed. He looked familiar and I felt like I knew him.
"Your Highness, we are just torturing an Angel that wandered in." The old man stuttered.
"Yes and that's all I was told. No one told me that the Angel was my twin." He growled dangerously low. I looked at him with shock. How could he have grown so much? His eyes softened when he made eye contact with me. The room was silent and no one knew what to say. Luci looked at the guards at the door and nodded.
"Kill them." Was all he said as he untied me and picked me up.
"Ryia. I've missed you so so much." He whispered in my ear. I hugged him back. "I've missed you too Luci." I whispered.
I looked into a mirror when Luci gave me a room to stay in and was shocked to see a change of my own. I no longer saw a small young girl but a tall, haunted teen.
"Our appearance changes when we mature. You've matured by seeing an feeling pain. I'm so sorry Ryia. I didn't want you to ever go through that." Luci said with pain in his voice. I turned around an hugged him.
"You saved me and don't you forget it. It's not your fault." I said trying to comfort him. Heaven forgot me, Hell tortured me, Lucifer saved me, and Michael destroyed me. Now I knew what war and pain were, they were carved into my flesh and stained my memory.

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