Talk to me..

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Killua's p.o.v

It's been almost a week since Gon left the dorm..I haven't seen or heard from him since then. I tired calling and texting him but, of course, he didn't answer. I wonder where he is..I wish he would have at least told me that. He doesn't even realize how worried I am..

I quickly slip some shoes on tieing the laces up, before walking out the door. I decided I was going to go on a walk to try and get him out of my mind. And to be honest, I don't even know why I'm thinking of him so much. It's just..whenever I'm around him I always get this strange feeling. It's a weird feeling that I've never get before. And when he left me here, when I think of him there's this terrible feeling in my chest. It's much.

I leave the building and walk on the sidewalk not really having a destination in mind. All I can really do is stare down at the paved road.

As I'm walking I hear something that sounds familiar. To be more specific, it's a voice.

My head instantly jerks up and I look around me scanning for where the voice came from. Just moments later I finally see him. I see Gon who is talking to two other people I haven't met before. He has That same bright smile on his face That he usually does. It feels like I haven't seen That wholesome smile in ages.

That same painful feeling returns to my chest.

G...gon..I have to talk to him!

It almost seems like my body has a mind of its own. I instantly run in his direction. Before I can get to him he spots me. I stop a little ways in front of him. He has a shocked expression on his face. One of the random guys standing there asks, "Hey Gon? Who is that guy?"

Gon doesn't reply and before anyone can say another word he takes off in a sprint in the opposite direction.

I start to panic again. "H..hey?! Wait Gon please I just want to talk to you!" I shout as I push through the people and run after him.

He doesn't even slow down. Luckily I'm faster then him and I'm able to catch up to him quickly.

I grab his arm and pull him behind and old building basically slamming him against the back wall.

He has his head tilted down.

"Gon. Please...just talk to me." I say. The sadness in my voice takes over me completely.

He still doesn't reply to me.

I sigh. "You probably don't care but...I was so worried about you. You left without telling me where you went. You didn't answer your phone when I called..I was so scared that something might have happened to you!!! I haven't been able to sleep or even eat like a normal person should! And I know you probably think I'm just a disgusting weirdo..." I say this as my body begins to tremble and my voice cracks.

Gon lifts his head in a slow manner. His eyes look glossy. He looks like he might fall apart any moment now. "W..why.." He says so quiet I almost don't hear him.

"Why what?" I say.

"Why do you about what happened to me...are you really this determined to mess with me." He says.

The pain in my chest feels like a twig holding up multiple weights. Every word he says adds another weight. At any could snap.

"I dont...why would you think I'm just messing with you?! This feeling is just so frustrating and I don't know what the heck I'm even doing anymore...but I know one thing for sure. Everything I do to you isn't because I'm just toying with you...yea I might tease you a bit but that's because i-!!...because i...."

Shit. I don't even know why I'm doing this. My mind starts to fill with what happened on the night we played that game. The words he spoke to me play on repeat over and over again. I actually...there's no way...

Gon has his eyes glued on me. It's almost as if he knows what I'm about to say next.

Damnit if I don't tell I really feel...He might...really leave me for good this time..

I close my eyes. "Its because...I like you Gon. Not just as can think I'm gross all you want but I can't help the way I fe-?!"

Gon cuts me off. He drapes his arms over my shoulder and quickly pulls my face down to where it meets with his. "I like you too.. i..was so scared that you would hate and reject me that i...told myself that the right thing to do was to run away...and distance myself from you..I'm sorry." He says while staring into my eyes.

"Wait no! I should be the one apolo-"

Before I can say another word Gon silences me with a finger to my lips. "Shh.."

He leans his head in closer. I close my eyes and I feel the soft touch of his lips on mine. I wrap my arms around his waist and pull his body closer to mine. He deepens to kiss.

Moments later me break away from the kiss for air. "We should go back to the dorm.." Gon says with a small smile.

I nod in agreement. Right now I all I care about is being together with Gon at this very moment.

He intertwines his hand with mine and we walk back to the dorm.

Gon's p.o.v

When we arrive back and walk inside, not even a second goes by before Killua pushes me onto the couch and gets on top of me. His face is so close to mine, I can feel his warm breath on my neck. "K...killua.."

He smiles softly. "Can i...kiss you again?" He asks .

I blush wildly and nod my head in a slow motion.

He takes that opportunity and connects our lips. At first the kiss is soft and calm but it later, starts to get more intense.


Next chapter may or may not escalate quickly. Soo yeaaa :3

Anywaysssss thanks for reading! ✌✌✌

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