Rescue me

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I clasp my hands over my mouth just looking straight ahead. What...o..on earth are they doing to him!?
Killua is there in front of me...his arms and legs are chained up against the wall. He has bruises and cuts all over his pale and motionless body with his head hanging down.

I slowly reach my shaking hand out to him, eyes filled with tears.
"K...killua..?" Words are barley able to escape my lips.

I can't take this anymore...
I drop my arm and just run over to him and wrap my arms around his waist.

"Killua please wake up!" I scream.

He doesn't budge.

Moments later, Illumi walks in the room with a smirk on him face. My head wips in his direction. "What did you do to him!?" I tell while wiping tears from my puffy eyes.

"Tsk..there's no need to worry so much. He's not dead after all. I would NEVER kill my own brother. But...He did need a punishment."

"A punishment for what." I say sharply.

The man laughs to himself. "For breaking the rules. It's actually all your fault that he's like this right now..if you haven't interfered with Killua he wouldn't have had to go through so much trouble for a pathetic boy such as yourself."

"W..what do you mean" I say as I look away from Illumi.

"The reason Killua left you...was So that I wouldn't have to kill you. The rule of this family is to not associate yourself with anyone besides the family. That means no friends and especially no lovers. Killua broke this rule for someone like you. He left our family because he didn't want to be a killer. Unfortunately for him, there's no escaping what your Destin to do." He says.

My knees collapse to the ground. "No...

"Oh but yes! I made a deal with Killua that if he returned to us then I would leave you be...but now that your here trying to interfere..! That deal doesn't apply." He says this with a cold smirk. The man takes a few steps towards me.

"Your the one who brought me here..!" I shout.

He doesn't say anything and just smiles.

I look back at Killua who still hasent woken up yet. He was only trying to protect me...I've ruined everything.

"I'm sorry.." After I mutter those last words Illumi takes a swing right at my head so hard that it knocks me out in seconds.

Everything around me seems like it's disappearing...I'm completely surrounded by darkness.

1 hour later (Killua's p.o.v)

My eyes slowly start to twitch open at sudden light shining on me. I fully open my eyes and realise I'm still hanging from these chains. When I glance in front of me, Illumi is standing there, holding a flash light up to my face. I look away from the light.

"As you can probably tell, I'm not in control of you anymore. I want you to feel the pain of what I'm about to tell you." Illumi says while smiling terribly.

I have a confused look on my face. "W..what?"

He faces the light out of my face.

"Someone came for a visit." He says.

I try and move a bit but all I feel is pain. I wince and stop moving. "A visitor?" I say.

"Yes. Someone who shouldn't have come here. Think real hard and you'll know who it was." He says.

My eyes widen from shock. "You're lying.." I say while gritting my teeth.

"I bet you wish I was. Oh and I also told him that I was the one who gave you your punishment even though it was Milluki."

"Where the hell is Gon." I say furiously.

" now he's probably begging for his life at the hands of Milluki. I asked him to play around with your little friend for a bit before he kills him."

I tilt my head down trying to control my anger but that does nothing. "I'll kill all of you..." I mumble.

"What was that Kil? Say it a little louder." He says with a smirk.

"I'LL FUCKING KILL ALL OF YOU!" I say while yanking at the chains as hard as I can.

I pull and kick constantly, trying to set myself free so I can save Gon. I won't let him die...I wont....I can't loose him.

Illumi just stands there. Then he looks at a watch and smirks once again. "Oh. Looks like it's time. Your friend will be dead soon and you will have no one else holding you back." Illumi says while he starts to walk out of the shack.

No.No.No.No. Please no..

I pull and pull and pull but the chains don't budge. I scream and kick but Illumi leaves and shuts the door behind him. Tears are pouring out of my eyes.

I know why they are doing this. They want me to flip the switch...and turn into a complete monster again..they want to go break free and try to save Gon..he's probably already dead. They want me to think he's alive...

I stop pulling completely.

I won't give them what they want. He's already dead. He's already  dead....h...He's...already...d...dea............
Shit. He could be alive.

I take a deep breath. Once I flip my switch...the only way I could possibly go back to normal is if Gon helps me...but if he's dead...

I clear my thoughts. I take a deep breath again and when I blink again, I'm no longer myself.

No one's p.o.v

Killua's eyes darken and his tears stop. He rips the chains off and breaks down the shack doors. Not even a millisecond later he's sprinting to the underground torture chambers since that's where Milluki would be.

He instantly kills anyone who gets in his way. When he gets down to the door of the chamber, he kicks the door down and walks inside.

Milluki is standing above Gon who is helplessly lying on the ground.

Milluki turns to look at Killua. "Heh. That's good you finally turned it on. About time. And you were about 3 minutes too late. He's already dead." Milluki says while stepping away from Gon.

Killua stares at Gon on the floor then his eyes dart up to his brother. He makes one quick movement and grabs a knife that was sitting nearby and launches it at his brother. It hits him in the shoulder.

"GAAA" Milluki crys out in pain.

Killua instantly rushes over to Gon. He squats down and gently lifts his head up and sets it on his lap.

His lip begins to quiver and his eyes fill with sadness. But even with the sight in front of him, he can't cry. Not with his switch turned on.

Gon's hand starts to twitch and his eyes open but barely. He looks up at Killua and manages to put a smile on his face. His lips part but no words come out. He mouths the words "I. love. You."

Killua, wide eyed, begins to cry. Tears overflowing from his eyes, fall down onto Gon's bruised face. Gon was able to change Killua back to normal just in time.

Gon's smile begins to fade and his eyes gently close again.

Killua starts to shake his friend frantically. "Gon..?...Gon!?....GON!?" There's no response from the smaller boy laying on the ground.

Killua gently picks up Gon and carrys him in his arms. He begins to run as fast as he can out of the place he dreaded the most.

His home.


This story Will be coming to an end soon. I'm not sure on exactly how many chapters will be left but not many.
Gosh writing this makes me wanna cry.

Thanks for reading and don't forget to vote and comment! ✌

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