
22 4 10

I was tagged by Nut3lla_Yum so here we go.

1. Do you have a crush?
2. What's your middle name?
3. What is your height?
4. Eye color?
5. Last time you cried?
6. Biggest fear?
7. Last song you listened to?
8. Last person you texted?
9. Favorite app?
10. Tag 20 people.

1. Aw hell naw!
2. Westly.
3. 5'3"
4. Light blue-ish gray.
5. I honestly don't remember. Maybe a few weeks ago?
6. B e e s . And bugs. (Yes, butterflies included.)
7. This vvv

8. If Google Hangouts count (since I don't have a phone lol), then by best friend.
9. The between Wattpad and Minecraft.
10. Nut3lla_Yum (tag the tagger), Unicornangel1708, i_digg_you, Darklight554664, JustSomeRandomUser37, SeasonedRatMeat, arothetic, FluffyAmeri, William114342, Eboikarl. I can only do 10 lol

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