Welcome To The Team Side Story (Huskyboi50's POV)

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[WARNING] This is just a roleplay that was made in the comment section of 'Welcome To The Team' by aliandgracehot. This was made by me and several strangers.

People involved and their characters:

Alex: @Huskyboi50 (myself)

Agent Blue: BlueEclipse2

Saber/Blade blade_the_shipper

Other people: @I_dont_fcking_know @Hypnok @jasapplepi and aliandgracehot (the creator of the book)

If there are any who I didn't mention, sorry about that.

~Narrator's POV (Target: Alex and Saber)~

In a house near the forest, a small community gathered together at the mayor's place (I honestly dunno) for a party. The main room was filled with random people, who were discussing their own thoughts and ideas. Quite a few were talking to the mayor or aliandgracehot, who replied back politely.

The front door swung open and in the door frame, stood two people. One of them slunk past the other and stood off to the side, watching the scene.

The person who opened the door, who was known as Alex, grinned at all the people and cried out, "Hey, everybody! Why don't we go outside? The forest's lovely this time of year."

Many people nodded in agreement and most began to file out of the house. Kids ran into the forest to play while the adults stood and chatted.

Alex walked past a boy and girl. The girl turned to talk with her friend and the boy muttered a single phrase.

"Maybe one day..."

Alex smirked and added onto the sentence in a mutter, "... I'll be able to kill everybody here."

A group of people must've heard them because the group walked up to the person.

"PLEASE DO ME FIRST!" one hollered, attracting some attention from bystanders. They were known as I_dont_fcking_know.

"Nooo. Only half: perfectly balanced, as all things should be." another one, Hypnok, said while also quoting a meme.

"JAIL JAIL JAIL!" a third one chanted, making Alex slightly nervous. "But also..., I call dibs on being first-" they cut themselves off with a short laugh.

"Pfft- Everybody's gonna die." Alex replied, sticking a hand into their hoodie pocket, which contained a knife and gun.

"Except one person." Hypnok said, grinning slightly

"And that person issssss....?" Alex said, raising an eyebrow.

"The murderer of course." Hypnok replied as if it was obvious.

"Wouldn't it be cool if the murderer just killed themself too?" I_dont_fcking_know said laughing slightly.

"I mean, yeah, but only after a while. You have a world all to yourself, so you should make use of it." Hypnok said, stating a good point. By now, the group was just talking like old friends, not like they overheard a murderer and went to ask them to kill them first. Not at all!

"Eh, unless you have no will to live.." Alex said, gripping the handle of the knife.

"This got dark really fast." best_babey said, walking over with wide eyes.

"Well of course. This IS a Wattpad comment section a group of depressed teens after all." Alex replied, chuckling. (not breaking the 4th wall~)

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