In Which She Takes A Step Back

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In which she takes a step Back

To all my new and older readers, followers and the voters, I say Thank You, because I know I can give it my very best and you guys are here, letting me know that I can do even better, here enjoy chapter 6, lovelies!

This is Jared in the pic, enjoy lovelies ;)


It all began with a simple greeting. Well, not really. Actually, bumping straight on into an unknown guy who knows about you more than you know about him is creepy, unsettling and straight on skin- crawling....

Congratulate me on not jumping him and trying to kill him on the spot... I couldn't really kill him though. To many people around...

Glancing around once more in the crowd of busy people in town I wouldn't have thought that in this small plaza I would cross path with him. The guy who've been tagging around at William's side from quiet some time.

Sebastian, the guy with an simple yet inviting smile and green mossy eyes that held your gaze, almost unnoticeable freckles on his white feather cheeks and a hair as light as sun and wavy as the weaves.

"You're coffee looks smooch now..."

And straightforward I forgot to add. I raise an eyebrow, still asking myself why I gave him the opportunity to even grab my attention. Is not my fault he was being a gentleman and actually invited me to a coffee as an apology.

Who would've thought William could come into the conversation, the first and last person I wouldn't want to hear of, or even commence to for a thought... wait scratch that this isn't helping me.

I clear my throat and raise the cup of hot steamy coffee to my lips. Avoiding to answer such statement.

"You can't run away forever you know..." He pushed those words toward me as quick as a punch. Slamming the empty cup into the table made me feel slightly better. Even better now that I stood up and towered over him.

"Listen here, Sebastian, you might be the asshole's "bitch" for all I care but you won't come into my personal space and tell me what I need to do, is none of your business."

I snapped. Wanting to take all my anger out but I guess it wasn't enough because I stormed off, not thinking twice on leaving Sebastian, the oh so new goody friend, behind.

"You shouldn't be stubborn about it and accept the fact that you guys need each other..."

I turn around there and then. Giving out the best glare possible I could muster. Sebastian stops as the buzzing, walking and murmuring of the people closed on us. Like a wall, as if we were the only ones in the sidewalk.

"Then say that to him and to stop with all this madness. If you want to be someone's conscious, be his!"

I shout, ragging mad and disappear into the crowd. Thoughts screaming at me to stop and turn around and others thoughts to keep on moving and ignoring the words that played over and over in my head...

" ... Accept the fact that you guys need each other..."

I scoff whipping out in frustration the tear that slid down my left cheek. Way to ruin my evening, "mister fix it all."

Earlier that same day...

Well, crap.

I inhale, trying to look everywhere but at dad since he reminded me of the jerk that made me tremble in his hands in a matter of 48 hours.

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