10. Phone

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Dario De Luca

"I'll have someone send those files to you in an hour." I said into my phone to my assistant, Phoebe, at my office of legal works and cut the call off.

It's around 5 o'clock right now and Arianna has still not woken up. Although, Dr. Sinclair said it could be late than 5 too, for her to wake up but I was growing very impatient. A part of me was worried sick and I was almost tempted to wake her up and stare into those beautiful blue-green eyes but I decided to let her have some more rest. I walked to the bed and sat next to her. I took her right hand in mine and placed a soft kiss on her forehead.

"Mi dispiace, prezioso, per il mio comportamento l'altro giorno. Prometto che non ti urlerò mai più. Per favore, svegliati. È passato molto tempo dall'ultima volta che ho visto il tuo sorriso." I mumbled near her face and gave a small caress to her cheek.
(I'm sorry, precious, for my behavior the other day. I promise I will never yell at you again. Please, wake up. It's been a long time since I last saw your smile.)

I felt her stirring in her sleep and a groan escaped her mouth. Ever so slowly, she opened her eyelids and met her gorgeous orbs with mine. A small smile unknowingly broke on my lips and I kissed her forehead asking, "How're you feeling?"

She nodded her head a little and tried getting up but couldn't. She was still weak. I wrapped my arm around the small of her back and helped her sit straight. I handed her a glass of water since she might be thirsty. She gulped it down and thanked me.

After a moment passed she tried getting up from the bed. I held her hand and helped her get off.

"Where are you going? I am not letting you sleep in the next room. You're staying here from now on. I've shifted all your things here and your clothes have been put in our closet. Also, I'm not letting you out of my room until you promise to have your meals properly and on time from now on."

"I just want to have a shower." She whispered, her voice still a bit hoarse.

"Oh." I said and a silly frown etched on my lips but it was soon replaced by a smile when I saw Arianna smiling at my mindless ramble. Fuck, I missed that smile.

"You can freshen up and I'll have Mia send you some dinner. I've got an urgent file that I need to send to my office immediately. I'll be back in a few minutes." I said and she nodded. I, once again kissed her forehead and quickly went downstairs.

I went to the kitchen and asked my cook to send dinner for Arianna to her room. I ordered some spaghetti with meat balls and a bowl of pudding. I've noticed she has a bit of sweet tooth and so I though why not.

I asked Bob to send the file to Phoebe and then walked up to my room to see Arianna standing near the bed with a phone in her hands. She was talking to someone and humming into it, agreeing to whatever the opposite person was saying. She was wearing a tank top and short pj pants looking so effortlessly beautiful.

"Okay, I love you too, baby." She said and hearing that my face turned pale. What the fuck did she just say? Anger seeped into me and I walked towards her in a long stride.

She turned around and was startled at seeing me walking towards her so furiously.

"What was that all about?" I asked keeping my voice as calm as possible. I promised I wouldn't shout at her and I'm not going to break it.

"What?" She questioned me back innocently, as she furrowed her eyebrows and looked into my eyes.

Her behaving as if nothing happened was just increasing my fear even more. How could she? She's thinking of cheating on me. I know she was forced into this marriage and I agreed to it just for the sake of my business but I was really going to respect the oath I took at the altar. If there's one thing I ensure to follow more than omertà is a promise that I made. Wether it's a small one or something big, I never break my promise and everyone knows that.

I am not letting Arianna cheat on this relationship. I'm not letting our marriage fail. I'm not letting her break her marriage vows. That's it.

I opened my mouth to say something but there was a knock on the door and as I answered the door, Mia walked in with a tray containing Arianna's dinner and a glass of water with her medicines in a small plate beside the food.

"You're dinner, Donna." Mia said gesturing to the tray she placed on the coffee table and Arianna nodded with a smile, muttering a small 'thank you'.

"Is there anything else I can help you with?" She asked us both and we denied. She bowed her head in respect and scurried away.

I turned towards Arianna and she was still looking at me with those innocent eyes and a faint blush covering her rosy cheeks.

Suddenly, like I came out a trance, I walked towards the door and locked it. I turned and looked at Arianna.

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