21. DNA

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Arianna De Luca

After Dario dropped the bomb last night, I haven't been able to stop thinking about it even for a second. As I dwelled into the facts, it all started making sense to me. The picture started appearing more clearer to me.

Dario and I had a deep long conversation the other evening. We were leisurely sitting by the poolside, enjoying a beautiful sunset when I asked him the reason behind him hating his father so much. After a little persuasion, he finally said everything to me.

His father never really cared for him or his mother. He trained Dario just cause he was the only heir to his throne. He was always sleeping around with different woman and getting drunk all the time. He was an efficient leader, which is the only quality Dario shares with him apart from the height and brown hairs. His father was always interested in making more money and gaining more power over his enemies. His father always used to say, "A powerful man is a man of worth. Rest all are abominations to the gender,".

The last nail in the coffin was when Dario found that he had impregnated a woman named Esmeralda. The incident took place in the span of mere seven months after Dario's mother passed away. Dario was furious and left the house. He stayed in Venice for two years and trained himself to be the toughest person he'd know. One day he got the news that his father was killed in a conspiracy. He was the sole heir to his father and so he came back to Rome. He ascended the throne and killed the person who planned his father's murder.

Worst part, he isn't even sad that he didn't get to meet his father for the last time. I felt bad initially but after hearing the things his father had done, I was kinda relieved Dario didn't turn out the way he did.

"Donna, Dr. Sinclair is here." Mia informed as she entered my room.

Laura didn't initially believed Dario completed when he narrated her everything. Shane suggested they get a DNA test done. It'll straight away prove wether Dario's theory is correct or not. Dr. Sinclair is here to carry out the test. Like hell, Dario will trust anyone else when it comes to things like this other than his gang doctor.

"I'll be down in a minute," I said and slipped into a pair of white off-the-shoulder shirt and blue ripped jeans. I left my hair open in natural waves and descended downstairs quickly.

Dario was already seated in the living room along with Laura, Shane and Dr. Sinclair. They were in a middle of a conversation when they took notice of my presence. I gave them a smile and took my place beside Dario. He kept a hand on my thigh and gave it a squeeze. I glared at him for his action and he gave me a small smirk in return. God, he can't keep his hands to himself around me. Not that I'm complaining.

"So, Laura, please roll up your sleeves, I wanna collect your blood sample for the test." Dr. Sinclair said, opening his briefcase.

"What, blood? No. I'm afraid of syringes." Laura said and panicked hearing the word.

"Can we do this any other way, please. She's really afraid of the syringes. She almost fainted once at the mere sight of them." Shane said and wrapped his arms around Laura. He really did care about her. It makes me feel immensely happy that Laura has some one to take care of her. Growing up, she never had anybody. Shane is the only family she has.

"Sure. We can do it with Saliva or Hair samples maybe." Dr. Sinclair said as he pulled out two empty tubes from his briefcase.

"Okay but Saliva, really?" Laura said making a face. A small chuckle escaped my mouth at this.

"Why not? We even do it with sweat and urine sometimes if necessary." Dr. Sinclair said, shrugging his shoulder. This time, even I scrunched up my nose. I mean, eww.

"Hair samples will do." Laura said and Dr. Sinclair agreed. He quickly took some of Laura's and Dario's hair in two separate tubes and bid us a quick goodbye.

After about an hour, we were done with lunch. I asked Laura and Shane to stay. We were anyways gonna wait for the results and it'll be a waste of time for them to go and come back. Later on, even Matteo and Nina joined us. They landed back in Rome this morning and decided to visit us since they'd bring gifts for us. We filled them in on everything that happened yesterday and today. Currently, we were sitting in the living room, waiting for Dr. Sinclair to arrive.

"Results are here," Dr. Sinclair announced and all our heads turned towards him. He entered further in and took a seat.

"So?" Laura asked getting impatient.

"You are, in fact, Dario's half sister. The DNA matched by 84%." He said and kept the papers on the table.

"Really?" Nina asked in excitement and got up from her seat as did I. Dr. Sinclair nodded his head in answer.

"I have a sister-in-law." I exclaimed as I hugged Laura who had big smile on her face.

"Hey!" Nina exclaimed and slapped my shoulder. "Sorry." I said and she joined us in the hug too.

"I have a family." Laura said as if making herself believe it. We broke the hug and smiled at her nodding our heads.

"Yes, you do." Dario said and the next thing we know, she rushed to hug him with tears in her eyes.

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