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UZUME LAID NEXT TO TOPH as both the girls took a catnap. The brunette could hear her friends talking, but she tried her best to block out their voices.

Until Sokka's loud voice invaded her ears.

"You guys are not going to believe this. There's a play about us." The boy shouted in excitement. Suki spoke from beside her boyfriend, "We were just in town and we found this poster."

Uzume sat up to see Sokka unveil a poster he took. On the poster was Katara, Aang, Sokka, and Zuko in exaggerated poses. Uzume let out a laugh at the portrayal of Zuko, who's scar was on the wrong side. Her laughter was paused when Suki pulled out another poster. This time, her friends from the fire nation were on it. Her eyes specifically zeroed in on the two actors posing on top of it. What looked like Uzume was dramatically draped in actor Azula's arms.

Uzume felt her face turn red as she turned her head to avoid her peers' eyes.

Katara looked at the poster confused, "What? How is that possible?"

Sokka turned the poster back to him, "Listen to this. The Boy in the Iceberg is a new production from acclaimed playwright Pu On Tim who scoured the globe gathering information on the Avatar from the icy South Pole to the heart of Ba Sing Se. His sources include singing nomads, pirates, prisoners of war and a surprisingly knowledgeable merchant of cabbage." Suki read off the last line from her own poster, "Brought to you by the critically acclaimed Ember Island Players."

Zuko let out a grunt, "Ugh." He draped himself over Uzume's back, "My mother used to take us to see them. They butchered Love Amongst The Dragons every year."

Uzume nodded, remembering the many times she and Azula would get in trouble for laughing during the play, "Plus, it's probably going to just be propaganda. You guys aren't that liked in the Fire Nation."

"You guys?" Zuko questioned Uzume from over her shoulder. Uzume innocently shrugged, "I'm Azula's best friend. I don't think they would hate me."

Katara ignored the two lovers talking, "Sokka, do you really think it's a good idea for us to attend a play about ourselves?"

Sokka threw up his hands, "Come on, a day at the theatre? This is the kind of wacky time wasting nonsense I've been missing."

Sokka had managed to convince Katara to see the play. Of course, they had to give Aang and Zuko disguises, since they were the most wanted people currently.

The group found their seats in a private section. Uzume managed to stop Zuko from stealing Aang's seat next to Katara and they were all settled, except Toph.

"Why are we sitting in the nosebleed section? My feet can't see a thing from up here."

Katara leaned towards the girl, "Don't worry, I'll tell your feet what's happening."

The curtain was drawn up and revealed a canoe with 'Katara' and 'Sokka' rowing the boat. The real siblings looked at each other excited.

Their excitement was quickly diminished when the play continued. Sokka was even more annoying, Katara kept preaching, and Aang... Aang had tits. Toph and Uzume tried to keep their laughter in as the first act continued. Zuko was rude to Iroh and Iroh was portrayed as a useless lazy slob.

Katara apparently had a fling with some guy with crazy eyebrows and Aang and the blue spirit, who Uzume knew was Zuko, had an implied romance. The only time Uzume stopped her laughing was when 'Sokka' and a princess were on stage. Apparently not just any princess, but the moon spirit.

Uzume whipped her head around to look at the boy in amazement, "You made out with the moon?" Only to be shushed by the teary eyed boy.

The first act finally came to an end, leaving the group, minus the three girls who weren't on stage (Although Suki was in it for one scene) who were laughing loudly.

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