☽ 𝟰𝟭 : 𝗨𝗻𝗶𝗼𝗻 ☾

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12:32 pm

[longest chapter I've ever written :p]

"Are we that late?" I suddenly questioned out of the blue to break the everlasting silence between both me and him, with pure concern lacing my nervous tone after I could feel my anxiety growing on me slowly but surely, making Zalius chuckle as he could possibly feel what I was going to through right now after seeing my spooked expression, before tightening his hold around my waist and tugging at my dress with his fingers, seeking a better touch to comfort my anxious mind with his blue sparks that surged in and out of his fingers.

"We get to be late as much as we want, it's our meeting after all. Don't worry your little cute butt princess, everything will be fine." He quickly cooed after I flashed him a semi-angry glare, poking him in the chest to let him know that it's not that easy for me to calm down at this point of time, realising that this meeting was probably as important like the meetings the the gods above would conduct, feeling bile vigorously gather around my throat as I bite my lip to conceal my stupid nervousness.

"How can I not worry? I'm meeting too many important people at the same time. First impression make everything, what if I don't give out a good impression?" I hissed abruptly after panicking even more with a sly shriek being delivered at the end of my sentence, causing Zalius to roll his eyes while shaking his head, and kissing my cheek with a snicker used by his sexy deep voice, before clearing his throat.

"First impression you say? You need to start knowing your power as Queen and the impact you have on your people princess, they have been waiting for our incarnation for years on end, and they will be ecstatic to meet you. They already love you and are your biggest supporters, and plus, we can trust these people." He assured comfortingly after patting the back of my head for a brief second, making my prepped pair of lips curl into a small pout while I stared at my hands, feeling like my mind was trying to recollect some of the previous conversations that had happened through out the day today, before squinting my eyes and nudging him again to get his full attention.

"Are you talking about...the Famous Five?" I entreated hesitantly after remembering the phone call Louie had talked in this very morning, and Zalius looked impressed by my question before nodding his in confirmation.

"How'd you know?"

"Louie talked about this morning during a phone call, but I had no clue what he was on about though. Who are the Famous Five?"

"You'll meet them in a few seconds princess, don't worry." He sighed in content after finding my curious face to be more fascinated and bubbly, as instead of panic and anxiety, I could feel new energies surging closer and closer to my heart while we approached the esteemed meeting room more and more. My mind was getting bursts of enigmatic jolts of energy, immediately replacing my intuition block after feeling to much power all at once, and it did not help when literally the most powerful man on earth is standing right beside you reeks off testosterone.

"Are you one of the Famous Five?" I asked curiously.


"WoW yoUrE sO fAmOuS," I quickly mocked in a weird tone, dislodging his tense and taut figure that was present a few minutes ago after I came back from Target with and amused and lightened one, making me elicit a snort from his side as he squished my nose playfully, before smiling down at me with a million dollar toothy grin.

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