Morning Memory

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As the sun began to rise from the east,producing a piercing radiance of light,shining upon the citizens of the humble town of Adventure Bay,birds began singing their morning melody,sending their angelic voice to those who listen,accompanied by an orchestra of crickets,vibrating in random places,their variety of sound makes a splendid combination,worthy enough to be the morning music of the town to listen,as for the roasters who had the responsibility to woke everyone up,clucking loudly,their throat moving in a unique pattern,and so everyone has began their daily routine,including the young heroes of Adventure Bay.

Moving sideways in his sleep,Zuma could feel the ray of sunshine that beams upon his face,hearing the morning music,sleeping in a position that exposes his soft brown furred stomach,slowly opening his moss green eyes,turning back to his normal position,rising from his bed on all fours,stretching his front and back paws,followed by a really long yawn,squinting his eyes as he tries to adjust at the light of the basking ray of sunlight,turning his head as if his looking for something,and so he did,looking at the direction where the stray pup was peacefully sleeping,his back rise at the moment it falls,bandages covering mostly of his fur,Zuma sat,not moving in his position,as his eyes began to examine the pup,not in a weird way,but just trying observe how thin the mix really is,Zuma sigh,having sympathy for the pup in front of him,'What's your story,anyway,how did you end up in the forest like that?', questions started to pup in Zuma's mind,questions that he himself didn't understand,'Why do I care so much,is it the sympathy that I have for you,or is it because I don't want you to go back to being a stray in the streets,I could tell that you once have a happy family,Rocky,I could see it in your eyes,last night,why do you look like that you were about to cry,ready to shout all the pain that you've been enduring,yet you remain sane,you're strong Rocky,I know you are,' Zuma creep a small smile in his face as he moves closer, 'I do hope you change mind about leaving,I don't know why but I want you to stay,' he thought,the sudden movement of the mix breed,surprised him,the thought that he might wake up with him sitting there.

Then suddenly,Zuma was startled by the sound of his pup tag beeping,curious who was calling him,he answered,after going a few meters away from the sleeping pup,outside the lookout that is,any sudden noise might wake him up,"Hey,Zuma,is could you come here at the balcony?I want to tell you something,"said Ryder through his pup tag,Zuma wondered if he needed any help,"Suwe,Wyder,be thewe in a sec,dude,"he replied,walking towards the elevator,as it rise,his eyes turned to the direction of the pup again,looking at him in a gentle manner.Reaching the top of the lookout,he heads to the balcony,where his leader,Ryder was sitting on a chair,eating his breakfast cereal,escorted by a glass of juice,rays of sunshine continued to beam across their faces,not bothered by the heat it gives to them,instead they are grateful for it,giving the warmth against the winter wind that blew to their surrounding,"Morning,Wyder,dude, what's up?"greeted Zuma,who sat on the floor as he waits for an answer,"Morning Zuma,so,how's the pup doing,?"Ryder,replied,showing a decent smile at the labrador in front of him.

"His doing fine,dude,he was about to leave last night,but I stopped him,I told him that he can stay hewe with us,whewe he can have friends,family,food and a place to sleep in,but he only said he'll think about it though,"Zuma assured,not regretting what he had said and did last night,

"Oh,good think you stopped him,did he tell you anything else,?"Ryder continue with his question as he takes a sip of his drink,

"Oh,right,he said his name was Wocky,a mix breed,and.............,"Zuma pause,thinking of a word to say,"And..What Zuma?"Ryder ask,waiting for the continuation of the pup's statement,"Now that I think about it,that's all thewe is to say,Wyder,he didn't talk much last night,so maybe now,he can tell us more.......about..himself?"added Zuma,hoping that Rocky can be more open about himself,but Zuma knows that it's not an easy thing to do,

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