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As the pups devour their food,mercilessly,licking every piece of kebble their tounge could catch,leaving their pup bowl,one by one,spotless clean,not a kebble in sight,Rocky and Zuma,were the only one left,the others making their way out the lookout to play,and doing their personal hobbies to entertain their self,as time travels by,as for Rocky and Zuma who were still eating,enjoyed pretty much the silence that surrounds them,distracted by the grub in front of them.

"Aren't you gonna join them,Zuma?"ask Rocky,looking back and forth to the pups leaving and the pup beside him,

"Nah,I'm still eating,anyway,and...."He hesitates to finish,his eyes turning to take a glance of the mix breed,"I don't wanna leave you all by youwself,thought you could use the company,is tha...that alright?"he continued,his tone slightly getting higher,making Rocky's eyes dilated at his sudden statement,small pinkish shade appeared at his maw,

"Sure I do!I didn't want you to leave me the first place,I was just asking,because maybe,I'm dragging you down,hehehe,maybe I got a bit carried away in my thoughts,"he laughed,being joined by Zuma"Maybe a little,"pointed Zuma,as both of them are pretty much enjoying the laughter that had develop between their empty void,then again,this action sends vibrations all over the mix breed's body,triggering an emotion that he hadn't felt for a very long time,something that was buried deep within the bottom of his heart was beggining to rise again,an emotion that he had miss for all the years of pain,agony,grief,and anger,had made it's appearance again.The sound of the elevator descending,has interrupted the two from their short laughter and conversation,moving their eyes to the direction of the sound,one felt nothing in particular,yet the other felt anxious as another stranger has made his acquintance,trembling again,he slowly made his way behind the labrador again,"Hey,Zuma,and..."his sight change from Zuma to the pup behind him,as he moves closer,kneeling down,high enough to meet the pups gaze,"You must be Rocky,right?Zuma told me all about you,"he assured,looking at the pup that was still hiding behind Zuma,receiving a bashful nod.

The labrador immediately noticed this action that his friend is expressing again,anxious,nervous,afraid,Zuma felt bad for him,'Did your past affect you that much,Rocky?' wondered Zuma,worrying about Rocky's sudden action,everytime there's a stranger approaching,'You were like this,even from the time we've met,',Zuma faced Rocky,giving a comforting gesture,that can calm a crying baby,"Wocky,his Wyder,the one I told you about,his WEALLY nice,and a cool fwiend too,his not someone to be afwaid of,"explained Zuma in a cheerful way,trying to keep the positive vibe alive as possible.

Rocky slowly made his way,away from Zuma's,facing towards the human boy,who gave him a decent smile,sign that it's ok,"Ni..nice to meet you,Ryder,my name is Rocky,thank you for the food,"stated Rocky,"Nice to meet you too,Rocky."replied Ryder,moving closer to the mix breed,attempting to scratch his hear,luckily,Rocky didn't mind the sudden yet gentle action,his eyes looking at where the hand was going,suprising him as he felt a comforting ticklish feeling that was happening behind his ear,raising his head in contentment,Ryder laughed,"Looks like I've found your tickle spot buddy,"stated Ryder,earning a laugh from Zuma,who enjoyed the sight of the not frightened Rocky anymore,"Told you,dude,"said Zuma,

"Can I ask you something,Rocky?"Ryder ask,between the gentle rubs his giving to the mix,

"What is it?"Rocky asked,

Ryder scratched his head before answering,"Zuma said,he found you in the forest unconscious and wounded,could you tell us what happened?if that's ok with you,"Ryder assured,trying to convince the pup from talking even from a little event from his past,

"We' see,I was wandering through the forest,looking for some fruits to eat,checking tree every tree if it has some ripe fruits,until...scent of wolves alarmed me,so I run,until I realized I was being chased,"explained Rocky,taking deep breaths at a time,"Then,what?"ask Zuma,concern was in his voice,the memory began to flood in Rocky's mind,,"I ran as fast as I could,dodging every obstacle as possible,I managed to get away,but.......I fell,from a hill,ironic thing is,it was full of rocks,so that explains the wounds,"he said,pointing the wound and bruises,"Finally reaching the bottom,I bumped my head on a boulder,the last thing I remember was that I was unconscious,so that's what happened,"Rocky explained,showing the courage in his eyes as he looks at Ryder and Zuma,

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