Chapter 1: The Star That Shined The Brightest

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[Here's the first one!]

(Y/n pov)

I was woken up by my alarm clock followed by my grumbling tummy...

Y/n: Dammit! I slept so early last night that I didn't eat dinner.

I went downstairs to be greeted by my mother...

M/n: You didn't eat dinner yesterday, Y/n.

Y/n: Yeah, it was tiring at school that I fell asleep.

Mom gave me a heavy breakfast and I ate it quickly, I took a bath and got ready for school.


I arrived at school and when I arrived there, I saw Arisa. Since we belong in the same class, I decided to go to her and walk with her.

Y/n: Hi Arisa!

Arisa: Hi.

Y/n: C'mon be cheerful! It's still the first week of school!

Arisa: Why are you even walking with me?

Y/n: We're classmates, remember? Besides nothing's wrong with walking with my friend and student council buddy.

Arisa: Student council buddy? Let's just go...

Y/n: You're not making me go away? What a character development...

Arisa: Let's just go!

I made her very annoyed that she took my hand and ran to the room.

Y/n: Hold up!

Arisa: We're gonna be late.

She then continued to pull me until we got to class. As we went inside eyes were locked upon us. We both look at each other and then to our hands, hands that are intertwined to each other.

Kasumi: Arisaaaaa~ it's so unfair that you hold hands with Y/n like that. *Pouts*

We both took off our hands from each other.

Arisa: It's not like that... Me and Y/n wasn't supposed to get on time, so I grabbed his hand and ran.

Y/n: Yeah... It was like that.

Even after explaining, some of our classmates didn't buy it and some actually thought we were a couple. Same thoughts, to be honest.

The bell rang and a boring school day has begun.


We were dismissed and I'm with my cousin Rimi as she invited me to watch her band practice. Her band's name is Poppin'Party and she's a bassist there, I don't know who the other members are though.

As we arrived at the place, I saw a very Japanese-styled house. We then were greeted by an old lady as we went down the warehouse that is the same time their practice venue, my eyes saw something I never expected. It was Saaya, Kasumi, a girl that I still didn't know the name and Arisa.

Rimi: This is my cousin, Y/n! I'm pretty sure you know him already, Kasumi-chan and Arisa-chan!

Kasumi: Yeah! Did you know that Y/n and Arisa arrived at our classroom holding hands?

Saaya: No way, Y/n is that true?

Y/n: I guess it was?

???: What happened?

The girl spoke.

Y/n: I'm sorry, who are you?

Tae: Tae Hanazono!


Kasumi: It happened! Did you know that Arisa and Y/n is having ship names now.

Y/n: What?!

Me and Arisa? Being shipped? How nice.

Arisa: I just grabbed his hand so we can make it to the room on time.

Rimi: Wow Y/n, I never knew you were that close to Arisa-chan...

Y/n: Yeah, I never knew that we were that close too.


Y/n: Yeah, right.

We continued laughing while Arisa was just irritated, eventually we calmed down and they started performing. They're damn good. That's all I can say.

Kasumi: How's our performance, Y/n?

Y/n: It's good! Very good!

Tae: Thank you!

Saaya: Yeah!

Rimi: How nice of you, Y/n.

I decided to tease a little bit.

Y/n: You know... The one who performed the best was Arisa!

Arisa: What?!

Kasumi: Congrats Arisa!

She then hugged Arisa.

Arisa: Y/n, stop it please.

Y/n: But it's true! It looked like you were the star that shined the brightest!

Arisa clearly was blushing and irritated at the same time...

Saaya: Calm down, c'mon let's eat the bread I brought.

Thank you, Saaya for that interruption.

Y/n: Yay! Yamabuki bakery!

Rimi: Oh so that's why you and Saaya-chan knew each other.

Saaya: Y/n also loves choco cornets, Rimi.

Arisa: They really are cousins.

We all ate the bread, and went home. As I went home, I actually ate dinner this time. It was time for bed when I thought about what happened back at school. Me and Arisa's hands, holding each other...

Y/n: It should've lasted forever...

(3rd person pov)

As Y/n said that, his eyes closed and started drifting asleeps and probably dreaming of him and Arisa waking down a field of...

Y/n: A field of beautiful, yellow sunflowers.

How did you?!

Y/n: Fine, I'll go back to sleep...

As he dreamt of him and Arisa walking down a field of beautiful, yellow sunflowers...

[Yeah, Here's the first chapter. Thanks for reading!]

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