The truth

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I get out of my vision and see them staring at me. The first thing I ask them is how do you know my mother.

"Your mother is the pro hero Quirk Girl.

Present time

Izuku's POV

"What". That means the reason my mother would always come back from work with a bruise or bleeding.

"Your mother didn't die that day because of a car accident. She died because of a villain attack but before your mother died she changed you, Shinsou's and your father's memories to make it like she died because of a car accident." Papa said.

I was shocked why would my mother hide this from me. She was one of the hero's I loved and my idol. Soon a wet warm substance feel from my face. I feel to my knees crying. I couldn't think about anything but the fact I was abused for no reason. My whole family started hugging me including my uncle. I hugged them back. We separated but I still couldn't process what happened. But I was happy to have a family that cares.

Uncle Oboro left and I was in my room. I was looking for something that I couldn't find. "Where's is it" I whisper. Until I found it. "It was a picture that I had before my mother passed. It was me my mom, Hitoshi, one lady, on blonde man, black hair man that looked like he didn't sleep in years. At first I never knew who those people were but know I know. It my Auntie Midnight, Dad and Papa. I still was looking at my moms face even though I can see her through my dreams I still miss her. 

I went downstairs with the photo and looked at in the living room. "What ya looking at". That scared the crap out of me. I almost dropped the photo but luckily I didn't. I turn around to see my dad and papa around me. I give them the photo to look at. "Oh My God this is the photo we took with you and Hitoshi when you were kids." Papa said squealing. "I never knew who you were in the photo." "Your mother took those memories". "Any way dinners ready call your brother".

I thought it would be funny that I use papa's quirk. (Bold words is when Hizashi or Izuku uses the voice quirk). "Hitoshi get you @$$ down here." "Language. Please don't use his quirks having one loud person is enough. Ever though he is really stupid". "Hey" papa acted offended. I couldn't helk but laugh. Hitoshi came downstairs and we had dinner. "Hitoshi are you excited for tomorrow". I asked him. "I'm kinda nervous but am happy I am now in the hero course".

After dinner I went to my room excited that my brother was going to be in my class. I was asleep when I felt someone trying to wake me up. I wake to see Eri wait she is crying. "Brother I had a nightmare. I'm scared." "She must really love me",I thought. I get her on the bed and hug her. She hugged me as tight as her 6 year old arms could. I rub her head saying "Eri it's okay what ever you dreamed of is not real. She soon calmed down and I heard calm breathing. I look down to see she was asleep. I carefully take her of me and but her on the bed and put the covers on her. I kissEd her forehead (not in a weird way). "Good night Eri".

                 Time skip to the next morning brought to by a human pikachu who says 3+3=4

I wake up to feel someone hugging me. I see Eri sleeping peacefully. I get up and did my daily routine. I went downstairs and started making breakfast for my family. I here someone come downstairs. I turn to see my dad. "Here", I give him his coffee. "Thanks problem child." "I make pancakes, eggs and bacon. I put them on separate plates and go upstairs and put on my U.A uniform. I went back down to see everyone downstairs. "I made breakfast. Eat it or in gonna kill you." They were scared so they started eating. Since I finished I but on my red shoes and backpack then left. Since I live Aizawa U.A was close by so I decide to walk for exercise and fresh air. I was at the gate and I saw Kirishima. "Kiri" I ran and hugged. "Oh hey Izu". "Oh my brother is gonna start the U.A hero's course and he is in our class." I went to class and I went with the so called deku squad and Kirishima went with the Baku squad. "Ooooooooo Midoriya are you and Kirishima dating" Uraraka said. "Yes" I whispered hoping no one would listen. "Hey guys Kirishima and Midoriya are mmph". I close her mouth. "Why Uraraka I never told anyone your dating Tsu but your telling mine". "He does have a point Uraraka *ribbit*" Tsu said. "It highly disrespectful to share other people's secrets when they don't do it to you" Iida said doing his air chopping robot thing. "Get in your seats" we hear Da- I mean Aizawa-Sensei come in with Toshi behind him. "This is the new student who is taking Mineta place. Introduce yourself. I'm taking a nap."

"My name is Hitoshi Shinso. My quirk is Brainwashing. I was in the General Education course and I am not here to make friends". Classic Toshi. 

                            Time skip after school brought to you by Endeavor yelling 


It was walking home by myself cause Kirishima had to something at school. I got home and went into the shower. After my shower I put on my black hoodie with Eraserhead on it with some black sweat pants. 

                                                      Meanwhile with Kirishima 

3rd POV 

Kirishima went Shinsou and said "Shinso would like to help me beat up Monoma". "Fuck yes". They went outside to see Monoma. They dragged him into an alley. " You little fuck dare hurt and rape him." Kirishima hardened his arm and punched him. "So that bastard told you". By then Shinso brainwashed him. Shinso gave Kirishima a thumbs up. "Use Kirishima's quirk on yourself till you reach ur limits." When Shinso stoped his brainwashing he looked like he lost a war with a cat. " if you dare hurt or do anything to harm Izuku I'm gonna punch you all the way to hell". Monoma ran out the alley. But Shino whispered "if you dare hurt izuku in anyway you are dead meat". 

Hi bitches It's me Lazari-Chan. I know you wanted to know what happened to Monoma so yay. I want to tell you guys are the best. 

Also special shout out to







And all the other people who support me.

Peace out 

Go beyond Plus Ultra

Was I meant to Be Loved of Abused (Abused deku and Kirishima)Where stories live. Discover now