Don't die Izu

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~~~~~The best song in the world for you assholes. We need to "Fuck that shit let's start a Riot" on Donald Trump~~~~~~~~~~~

Izuku's POV 

It has been a week since I heard they were going to disown me. I started to lose my sparkle. I started to cut myself again and my mom stopped visiting so the nightmare's took over.

Today was another day of school. I got up and started to brush my teeth, took a shower and put on my uniform. I brush my hair and get my razor. I take of my bandages to see my cuts. I started to cut my self

For thinking anyone loves me

I should die

For being a villain

I soon ran out of ideas on why I was cutting but was cutting still since I deserve it. I had 37 cuts and a smile creeped on my face. I put on my bandages and pulled down my sleeves. I soon got the thought on ending my life. "I am going to end my life today." I put on my shoes and left the house. I got U.A and saw Kirishima I hugged him. He turned towards me and hugged me.

"Since today is the last day I have to make the most of it." I thought.

"What was that". I hear. Fuck

"Nothing let's walk around campus". We start to walk around campus. Little did he knew I was looking for the highest building to jump of. After I found one we went to class. I went Class went to the dekusquad and Kiri went to the bakusquad. I just saw Uraraka, Iida, and Tsuyu talking so I joined. "Hey guys". "Hello Midorya", Iida said. "Hi Midorya". Uraraka and Tsuyu said. "What'cha talking about." "Haven't you heard we are going to get dorms." "Right, it's going to be weird but fun living together." "Right". But before we get dorms you won't see. 

"Fellow classmates get in your seats class is about to start." He said chopping the air. 

Before class started I went to write my suicide note.

Dear anyone who reads this,

I sorry I am a burden to you. Buy I see the signs that I am not needed in this world. Kirishima you were the best boyfriend I could ask for but I don't deserve you. Your deserve a better boyfriend better than me. For my friends and Class 1-A you guys were the best friends I could ask for but I don't need your pity.

For dad and papa,  you were greatest parents I could ask for but your deserve a better child than me. And for Shinso you were the best brother I could ever ask for.

Sorry for being burden. By the time you read the note I might have died.

For Izuku.

I folded and put in my pocket. 

                                                Time Skip to Lunch

I went to lunch and left my note their and went up to the roof.

Kirishima's POV

I got my lunch when I saw a note that said for anyone who finds it. I take and decide to read it. After reading I was shocked. I shout "class 1-A and Shinso come with me quickly we went as quick as possible." "They were concerned for how I shouted." "Momo, Uraraka, and Tokoyami, Tsuyu go outside the building Midorya is going to jump off of and make a mattress and make it float. Iida get  Mr.Aizawa. The rest of you come with me." They went to their places. I couldn't help but cry. "Why Izu why, you have a loving family and friends that will help you."

"Izuku please don't jump I'm sorry for bullying you. Your like my brother". I heard Bakubro say crying.

"Please don't jump we all care about you Izu" I say with sadness.

"Izu please don't leave us" I turn around to see Mr.Aizawa with tears he's trying to hold back.

But he didn't listen he started lean forward. And by then he jumped. Mr. Aizawa tried to use his capture weapon but wasn't since it wasn't long enough. Luckily we had Yaoyorozu make a mattress before it was too late. 

I quickly went downstairs to see Izu passed out but had lots of cuts on both hands and some at the legs. I quickly take me phone and call 911. 

"911 what your emergency" the person on the other line.

"Hello my boyfriend tried to commit suicide and is losing blood. I'm at U.A high school",I say in a hurry.

"Okay the ambulance is coming" she said and she hung up. In five minutes the ambulance came. They put Izu on a stretcher and get him on the ambulance. My and Aizawa went in the ambulance and he said before they left "get Present Mic tell to meet us at the hospital." 

                                               After getting the cinnamon roll to hospital

We were told told to wait. I couldn't help put cry.

Aizawa's POV 

We get to the hospital and was told to be in the waiting room. I hear faint sobs next me. I turn to see Kirishima cry he kept saying it was his fault. "Kirishima it is not your fault you were just trying to help him" I say in a rather calm voice. He nodded. Soon after Mic, Eri, Hitoshi and the rest of the class came. I see Eri crying in Zashi's arms. I take her out Mic's arms and tried to calm her down. "Is Midorya okay". "I don't know yet" I say trying to not let anyone get panicked. Hitoshi was having a panic attack so Kaminari was trying to calm him down. "I'm scared, is brother okay" Eri whispered. "Izu is going to okay. He wouldn't want you to be sad now would he." I told as I booped her little nose. 

                                                       1 hour later 

"Izuku Aizawa". The whole class was confused. But I just say "how is he".

~~~~~~Mwhahaha Cliffhanger !?!?!?! Does the Cinnamon roll survive or does he die.~~~~~~~~~~

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