Chapter 1

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?: Hey Tomiks!

T: Oh, hey Sum.

That's my "best friend" Summer. She's nice, I guess. But I feel like all of my friends in my class are only friends with me because I'm the lead singer of the band. Oh yeah, my class is a secret band. I used to have "real" friends, but I haven't seen them in years. I get cut off from my thoughts from Summer speaking.

S: I hear we're having a new student!

T: Cool! What's their name?

S: Hayley Castillo.


T: Let's go!


The new student is gonna come in at any second. Just then, she walks in.

MF (Mr.Finn): Hi there. You must be Hayley.

H: Yes. I'm Hayley, Hayley Castillo.

MF: Cool, I'm your teacher, Dewey Finn.

F: Should we tell her our secret?

T: I think we should get to know her better first.

Z: *Mutters "She's cute"

S: We should tell her.

MF: Ok, we're a secret band called School of Rock.

H: School of Rock? The one that played the Austin Music Festival?

S: Yeah. Do you play any instruments?

H: I can play the bass.

Then she starts playing. She's pretty good, but not very good, she messed up a few times.

H: I can also sing.

She sings, but messes up the lyrics, and doesn't hit the higher notes.

S: You're in the band!

T: What!? What about me?

S: You're out! She's way prettier, and you're not.

T: Ok then.


I officially have no friends. I'm bullied by the band, and Hayley joins them in doing that. They abuse me as well. I decided to go take a walk around the park when I spot my old bestie. We used to treat eachother like sisters, but I don't know if she remembers me.


B: Tomika?

T: Yup!

B: Why is there a bruise on your arm?

Crap! I didn't cover it up!

T: Uh- I- I fell. Yeah.

B: Truth. Now.

I end up telling her everything. She then hugs me and comforts me, while telling me about her life. She made a game company called Game Shakers, and that they work with Triple G, the famous rapper.

T: WHAT! Really!

B: Yeah. Kenzie codes all our games, and Hudson helps test out the game. 

T: Cool.

B: Oh yeah, we also just opened a new building here. You wanna live with us?

T: I won't be a problem?

B: No, we have a building and a mansion. You'll be living with us in the mansion. You could also help us code and make the music for our games.

T: That would be great!

B: Come on, let's go home.


T: Hey Kenzie!


T: Yup! Where's Hudson?


H: Okay I'm co- Tomika?

T: Hey Hudson!

H: What are you doing here?

T: Babe invited me to live here!

K: What?

T: We met at the park.

K: Cool!

T: Where's the newbie? Triple G?

K: She told you? TRIP!! GET OVER HERE!!

Tr: I'm coming. Hey! Who are you?

He looks just like Louie.

T: I'm Tomika. You're Triple G?

Tr: Yeah. You remind me of someone I used to know.

T: Same. Wait, can we talk in private?

Tr: Sure.

Tr: So what did you want to talk about?

T: Are you Louie?

Tr: Who are you?

T: I'm Frankie Hathaway? You're Louie. Louie Prestion.

Tr: Prove it.

T: You're a ghost.

Tr: It's really you?

T: Yeah, how are you a human?

Tr: Well, after you moved, I turned myself into a human and became Triple G.

T: Cool. See ya!

I try to leave but Louie stops me.

Tr: Ok. I know somethings up. Spill.

T: Uhh- I- Nothing.

Tr: Frankie. Spill.

I end up telling him everything, and end up crying into his chest. Babe sees me crying and wraps her arm around me until I fall asleep.



I lead Trip(Louie) through a shortcut and to the office. It turns out that we are in the same class. I avoid the band the entire day, but at the end of the day they come up to me. They start to abuse me. I don't fight back. I don't care anymore. They keep beating me up until everything blacks out.

Former Friends - SoR crossover ft. Haunted Hathways & Game Shakers.Where stories live. Discover now