Chapter Two: Whoops, I think I'll Need a Lawyer for this One!

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8:00 pm. Same day.
Lupin, Jigen, and Goemon had just changed into their security guard uniforms and snuck into the museum using the pristine lock picking method of slicing the back door in half (Goemons words, not mine). Lupin turned on his flashlight and shined it in Jigen and Goemons eyes.
"Alrighty! Now it's just a simple matter of not triggering any alarms, getting the painting, and getting out unharmed! Wooooo! Fun!"
The other two averted their eyes from the flashlights beam.
"I doubt it would be very fun if you blind us Lupin."
Jigen muttered, adjusting his tie.
Lupin turned the flashlight away from the two, letting its beam shine onto the floor.
"Right, right."

The group carefully snuck through the empty museum halls. But even though they had searched for the room where the painting was being kept for around fifteen minutes now, they found nothing and were quite possibly lost. Lupin stopped, looking tired.
"Are you sure we even came to the right museum? We've been searching for way too long now! And I think we've passed this exact spot around five times!"
Goemon was just amused by the whole situation.
"Well you're the one who planned the heist. And I'm pretty sure the painting IS here, considering the fact that there is a huge sign outside that says 'New Exhibit! Great Wave off Kanagawa!'. But it's not like I would know. I'm not a 'great thief'."
As the two argued (or rather just the single, frustrated Lupin), Jigen noticed a shadow of something behind Lupin. Or perhaps... someone....
Instincts kicking in, Jigen took out his gun and shoved Lupin aside, to see who this person was, that was standing behind him. But, thankfully it was just a sign, indicating where the painting was. Jigen facepalmed.
"Lupin, you frigging idiot! There was a sign right here! How in the world could you possibly miss that?"

Lupin stood up, rubbing his bottom (which Jigen had just shoved him onto) and looking annoyed.
"In my defense, it is dark, and I am tired!"

"You are literally holding a flashli- you know what? No! I'll take your word for it. Now can we just get on with this whole operation and be done already?"
Jigen spat, suddenly seeming more interested in his gun than the plan.

Lupin spun his flashlight around in his hand.
"Well then! I'll go inside the room and grab the painting! You two stay out here and make sure no one comes in! Got it?"

The two nodded, watching Lupin carefully open the door into the room, and close it behind him. They were pretty confident in his abilities, so the two knew that nothing bad would happen. Or so they thought.

Meanwhile, Lupin crept in when suddenly he heard shuffling coming from the other side of the room. He dove behind the nearest object, a statue, and waited patiently for the shuffling to stop, looking out every so often to see what in the world was happening. As it turned out, there was a back door to this room. One he wasn't aware of. And through it came in two figures. One seemed to be relentlessly chasing the other, who appeared shorter and had a high pony tale, based on the silhouette. They were shouting at each other. Lupin stifled his breath and turned his flashlight off, before the two figures could notice he was there. After about a minute of shouting, the thief peeked out once again. The figures were now fist fighting. Great. Just what Lupin needed.
Seconds turned into minutes and Lupin started growing impatient. Since when to fights last THIS long?! He decided it was about time to give those two a piece of his mind.
He sprang up from his hiding place and turned on his flashlight.
"Hey you two! We're here to be observing art, not having cat fights! Now what about you hug it out and say sor- AGGHHHHH!"
Lupins speech was cut off by a splash of warm liquid hitting him. He knew that scent all too well. Blood.
In shock, the thief dropped his flashlight, which clattered onto the floor, the beam hitting the lifeless body of a security guard, then turning off from the impact. But in the millisecond that the flashlight was in the air, Lupin could make out the second persons face clear as day. It was a girl. Her hair was tied up in a high pony tail and she wore a scarf, pinned to which was a shiny badge resembling a bird. But as soon as the flashlight hit the floor, the girl dropped something, tore a painting off the wall and ran out the back door, leaving Lupin alone. Next to a body. Covered in blood. This wasn't very good, as you can tell.

Since the flashlight turned off, Lupin was left shrouded in darkness.
"Well this is just great!"
He leaned down, trying to find his flashlight, which promptly rolled away somewhere. And so, Lupin spent somewhere around three minutes, looking for his flashlight until eventually, he felt something resembling it. He picked it up, but something was off. The weight was different. Plus, Lupin couldn't even find the on and off switch so eventually he gave up, and went out the same way he came in. Except now he was covered in someone's blood and was in a worse mood than he started with.
"Things can't get any worse... right?

And like any work of fiction (sometimes even non-fiction *cough* 2020 *cough*) would tell you, things did, in fact, get worse. The lights flicked on and multiple alarms started going off all at once.


A whole group of guards ran in, including the excessively swearing Jigen and annoyed Goemon, and surrounded Lupin. He just sighed.
"I know, I know, I have the right to remain silent. But seriously, do you guys know any lawyers in the area? Preferably within a one kilometer radius?"

One guard, in the back of the room, jumped up and down with her hand out.
"Oh! Oh! I know a guy! I know a guy!"

Another guard yelled at the first one from across the room.
"Shut up Maggey!"

A different guard, who was now handcuffing Lupin, also shouted,
"Yeah, no one cares Maggey!"

The guard who originally answered Lupins question sniffed.
"You don't have to be so mean about it..."

Meanwhile Jigen and Goemon were starting to panic. Usually Lupin would make a bolt for it by now. Why was he letting himself get arrested?! Lupin noticed the two and winked at them, then motioned with his head as if saying that he knew what he was doing and that they needed to go. The two were a little relieved but they still weren't off the hook yet. Jigen and Goemon quietly snuck out of the room and ducked behind a different statue.
"So uh, ya know any good lawyers? Maybe one of your relatives is a samurai lawyer?"
Jigen muttered through clenched teeth. Goemon shook his head.
"I'm afraid not. Do you?"
Jigen just sighed.
"Welp. Let's just hop in the car and drive until we find a law office. We're in Japanifornia. This place is known for its court battles. They can't be that hard to find!"
Goemon nodded in agreement and the two made a run for it.


Whilst all this was happening, Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth was doing his shopping in the grocery store across the street. By now, he was almost done and was just picking out roses for.... er.... no particular reason. Suddenly, the thought hit him. Isn't the museum usually closed on Wednesday's? Kay must've forgotten that. Oh well, she could wait. Roses were more important now.

Once he'd found what he was looking for, the prosecutor was just about to pay in the self checkout when he noticed flashing lights across the street through the window next to the checkouts. The lights in the museum were on and there were police cars surrounding the place.
"What the-?! Kay what did you do?!"
Forgetting about his groceries, Edgeworth sprinted to his car and quickly drove across the street to the museum. He then got out of his car and approached one of the officers.
"Excuse me officer, may I know what just happened at the museum?"

The officer looked up from his clipboard.
"Oh, Prosecutor Edgeworth! Thinking of prosecuting the case eh? Well. A security guard was murdered and the museums most prized possession is gone! We just arrested the prime suspect in fact!"

"I don't know yet."
Edgeworth stared at the officer.
"And.... who is this 'prime suspect'?"

The officer casually looked at his clipboard like a murder and theft didn't just occur.
"Oh, it was a gentleman in his mid to late twenties. Maybe early thirties. I think his name was... uhhh.... Arsene Lupin III? I dunno."

The prosecutor sighed in relief. So it wasn't Kay. That's good. But then... where WAS Kay?

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