Chapter 4

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After Sierra had jumped out of the car and walked inside of the apartment building Ramin didn't drive from the parking lot. He couldn't understand why he acted weird around Sierra. And not weird in a bad way, he was just very calm and relaxed. Usually when he met new people, this wasn't the case, but Sierra seemed to be different. She made him feel happy in a way no one else did, and they had only known each other for about 2 days. How was it even possible? Maybe it was her personality or perhaps her energy, he did not know. The only thing he knew for sure was that he really enjoyed spending time with her. He slowly started to drive home again with his head filled with many, many thoughts.

The first thing he did when he came home was to pick up his phone and to dial Mandy's number. He usually didn't like to call her because to hear her voice brought back so many painful memories. Even though he too felt like their relationship hadn't worked out the way they had wanted, and that his feelings for her weren't there anymore, it still hurt to know that she now had another man and a whole new life.

- Hi? he heard Mandy say on the other side of the line.

- Hello Mandy, it's Ramin. I just wanted to ask you if you can take the boys on Friday too.

There was a slight pause where he heard her sigh heavily. He was supposed to take the boys on Friday, but he wanted to help Sierra, and therefore he had told Sie that he was free. He knew that it probably would result in problems with Mandy because she had to take care of the boys longer, however he had taken them many times when she had other plans.

- Well, I guess I can. When can you take them though? she asked.

- Saturday, it's just Friday evening I'm occupied.

- Okay.

- Thank you very much! he said, feeling a little weight lift from his shoulders.

- No problems. Bye, and good night.

- Good night! he said and hung up.

Even though it was a little awkward it wasn't as bad as it usually was. He supposed that only time would heal the scars, even if that was a frustrating thought. Now he only had to worry about being a nice person around Sierra and to not be awkward which he sometimes tended to be. He did not want Sierra to see him being weird and not being able to talk to, they were after all going to work quite intimately for some time.

After calling Mandy he immediately called his best friend Hadley Fraser. Even though they already met like once every month and talked on the phone at least once a week he felt like talking to him for the second time this week. Taking good time to answer, Ramin had the time to get a glass of water and go back to the living room to sit down in the sofa again.

- Hi mate! What's up? Hadley asked.

- Not much, I just came home from dropping off Sierra.

- Sierra? The Sierra B – something from "the little mermaid" on Broadway?

- Yep; Ramin answered, popping on the "p".

- What haven't you told me, mate?

Ramin smiled for himself. Last time they talked, which was Saturday, he had completely forgotten to mention his new co-star.

- She is the new Christine; Ramin replied.

- Wow! Is she as cute and good-looking in real life as on her pictures?

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