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"Hey bitch!" a loud yet annoying voice echoed through the empty hallways. Got no other choice, you turned yourself towards the owner of the voice.


"Don't 'yes' me, you bitch! Where's the money I want?!" she shouted while chewing the gum in a disgusting way.

"I-I don't have it." you quietly said which make them to scoffed. In a blink of eyes, they pulled your hair making the hood that cover you head fall. "You really never get enough of these, don't you?"

Then, they pushed your head towards the locker and it hit right on the sharp edge. You dropped on the floor which make them to kick you until you fall back towards the floor.

You immediately shield your face using both of your arms, "Please, s-stop." you plead but they didn't. They continued to beat you up and a while later, they finally stop and leave you there on the floor.

You face yourself towards the locker and held onto your tummy while your body were badly trembling. After a minutes of laying there, you finally pushed yourself up and hold onto the locker there.

While trying to get on your feet, you accidentally slipped your hand and immediately closed both of your eyes and waited for yourself to hit the floor but nothing seems to happen. You slowly opened your eyes and look towards a tight grip onto your waist before looking towards the owner of the masculine arm.

"Are you okay?" he softly said which make you blush. "Y-yeah, thank you." you said and he flashed you his sweet smiles.

"No problem. Come, I'll send you home." he said which make you to refused his offer at first. "N-no, it's f-fine. I c-can go by m-myself." you stuttered.

He refused and then carried you on his back which make you to feel bad yet embarrassed of it. "Sorry for being a burden to you."

"Nah, it's fine and plus I don't mind helping you tho." he said while adjusting his hands on the back of your legs which make you hissed a bit. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry! Did I hurt you?"

You just smile a bit and then adjust your arms around his neck, "Nah, you didn't. But thanks again, Lee Know-ah."

"No need to thanked me, Y/N-ah but I prefer you called me Minho instead." he said which make you to rest your chin on his shoulder.

He secretly smile seeing your face by glancing your side profile, "We're here!"

You looked upwards and smiles before nodding slowly. You hand him your house key and he unlocked it immediately before turning the door knob. Both of you enter the house and he carefully put you down on the couch with him squating in front of the couch. "Where's the first aid kit?"

"In the kitchen, upper drawers." he nodded and rushed off to the kitchen. After a few seconds then, he rushed back to you and sit beside you before he open the box up.

He then pour the alcohol and dabbed your bruises with the cotton swab. Then, he applied on some plasters and slowly tapped on the plasters. "Done there, little one!"

A red tint shades can be seen on both of your cheeks before you slowly thanked him which make him to titled his head. "Why is your cheeks red?"

"N-nothing! It just uhm . . .It's h-hot in here fuh!" you said while fanning yourself using your hands.

He chuckles and then patted your head before he rose on his feet and sling his backpack on, "Okay then, I'll leave now little one. Be careful okay?"

You nodded and smile a bit before he patted your head for the last time and head out. You just slumped yourself on the couch and held onto cheeks.

You just hid your face under the pillow and accidentally sleep there.

|_________________ ❇ ________________|

7:00 am [ Friday ]

It was finally for you to wake up sadly and you shut the alarm off before charging the phone as you head upstairs the to do your morning routines.

Later then, you're finally done with bathrobe wrapped against your body. You head off to the closet and saw yourself in the mirror which make you to sighed. You arms filled by bruises and you just shrugged it off by opening the closets and pulled out an oversized black woth red pattern hoddie and a black skinny jeans.

Then, you wore your socks and put on a pair of black red black converses there. Then, you reached onto the hair tie and tied your hair neatly into a half up and down ponytail since your hair is short.

Then, you exit the house after grabbing your stuff with you and locked the door behind you. Then, you pulled the hood upwards and covered your head as you ran towards the nearest store. [ insert Yeosang running at the beach before lol ]

Then, you bought yourself a medium bottle sized of cold green tead milkshakes with some candies packs. After paying, you ran off towards the school and head in after scanning your student ID.

You immediately head off to your classroom and flowed by many students later on and also the classroom teacher. But he was bringing new yet unfamiliar faces in.

“Okay, listen up! Today, we have new students that just arrived so be nice and welcomed them warmly!”

All the girls inside the classroom started to squealing and giggles in a slutty ways while winking at them and sends flying kisses. Those five boys seems to not care at all but still keep themselves remained silent before started to bow down and then straight again.

“Hello everyone!”

It makes you think of why do they look familiar especially their presences? It makes you feel connected to them but how?

‘Something were different about them. I wonder how it makes me feels familiar?”

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