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It's been a few days already and the party is around the corner already. Pretty much, nothing happen lately but who knows sooner yea?

As for you, you're now inside your casa amorosa, watching horror movie on Netflix. Suddenly, you get bored so you turned off the television and head upstairs to changed before heading off to have an evening walk.

You put on a simple oversized black sweater tucked into your light blue loose jeans that you match up with a pair of black converses. Then, you just tied your hair into a low short ponytail before completely going out and locked the door after you grabbed your stuffs with you.

Then, you put on your earbuds on before turning on a random song inside your playlist. You keep on walking. Without realising, you found yourself arrived at the park area. There's less people compare to the daytime.

Then, you keep on walking around there and shoved your hands inside your pocket. While walking, you feel a light tapped which makes you to turned and saw Jinwoo.

“Oh hey, Jinwoo!” you excitedly said which makes him to grinned, “Hey, dumpling!”

You grinned back and finally decided to walked together that day, “So, what are you doing here today?”

“Well . . .” you hums before continuing, “I just got bored these days so I've decided to take a walk sometimes. And what about you?”

He grinned and shoved his hand inside his pocket after you did. “Same, don't really have anything to do thatvs why.” you titled your head in confusion, “What about the others? Aren't they hanging out with you?”

He just giggles and looked at you while walking, “They did but these days we got busy or neither one of us don't really have anything to do.” you just nodded and it falls into a short silence.

“By the way, how are you and you're soulmates foing these days?” you just hums quietly and just shrugged. “I don't know either, Jinwoo. Some of the times, they always went up to meet me but these days . . . None of them really did it anymore.” you said as you said the last sentences quietly.

He just nodded and then cheered you up using the ice cream technique. It's a great day to spent it up with someone like 1Team cause they always have to cheered you up. You guys started to talked and jokes around while eating your ice creams and then chased each other making the people surroundings thinks that the both of you as a normal teenage couple.

Then, he dragged you off to the nearest cafe and started to bought your favourite drink along with his too. Then, he also bought a dessert and shared it up with you.

“This is so good!~” you claim excitedly as you make a small dance which make him to giggles and patted your head. “Good that you like it!”

You just grinned and keep on eating as he did the same while teasing you all the time by pinching and poking your cheeks. Then, you guys head out with your drinks after finishing the dessert and head off somewhere you guys don't even know.

“Where are we gonna go now?” you asked as he hummed and then looked back at you, “I don't know either.” he said making both of you laughed and high five each other.

Without any plan, you guys head off towards the so called secret garden that he found a few months ago. “Come one, dumpling!” you just laughed and then nodded as he dragged you along, “Okay okay!”

Then, you guys jogged to the locations as he smiles and held your hand. It took a few minutes for you guys to arrived there as he covered your eyes.

“Just follow me okay?” you then smiles and nodded before letting out a soft ‘okay’ to him as he slowly leads you off somewhere. It feel so long for you both arrived at the spot he plans.

“Are we there yet?” he let out a soft giggles before continuing, “Not yet dumpling.” you nodded and then  asked the same things after a few seconds later making him laughed.

You guys keep on walking when suddenly he stops but it was quiet. Neither you and him talked until you asked, “We're here?” he then let out a ‘huh’ before stuttering.

“I-I don't think you m-might like t-this.” you hummed in confusion before touching the back of his hand, “What do you mean-”

But before you could finished your sentence, his hands fall off from your face which directly makes yourself open your eyes and saw something you wasn't really expecting to happened.

Chan kissing other girl . . .

It feels weird cause they hate you but still, you feel jealous when they're with someone else that wasn't you.

You froze in your place and it feels your heart shattered because of it. Jinwoo may noticed it cause he covered your eyes with his hand and you knew that Chan was turning towards the both of you by his feet.

You feel worthless of it which makes you to turned yourself off from there and left to go somewhere maybe your casa amorosa?


You just ignored them and keep on walking where your feet dragged you to and when you arrived at the lonely road, you didn't even realise that a tear escaped your eyes and rolled down your cheeks as you hugged yourself when you suddenly feel a strong grip held onto your arm and turned you off.

“Y/N listen, I-I'm sorry. I didn't-”

You yanked your arm off from his grips, “You didn't mean it? The fuck are you saying that you didn't mean it?!”

His lips was quivering and he keeps on trying to explain but you just left him there but before you could walked further, a sharp pain stabbed your chest which makes you to whimper and held your hand off on your chest.

‘What the fuck is happening?’


Casa amorosa = lovely house

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