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It was a normal morning where you just arrived at school but the weird thing is, people keep staring at you with their disgusted face. “I knew it.”

You just ignored them all by heading off to the classroom and all students there glare and stare at you in disgust. You just take a sit when you heard people started to whispered about you.

“Such a slut. She even slept with her family! Shame on her.”

You just clenched your teeth and ignored the rumors they made. “Y/N!”

You looked towards the person and saw Yeojin and Chuu while running towards you. You smiled and the both of them started to talked and sit with you. As time passes by, it was lunch time where you're left behind alone.

You're now exited the toilet and was about to head off to the classroom again but you got pulled by someone into the empty classroom. They throw you on the floor before the light got switched on. You lift your head and saw Arlene. ‘Pluck my life.’

She went closer to you and lean herself against the nearest table when one of her friends grab a fistful grip onto your hair and Arlene smirks. “I told you before but you wouldn't listen. Now you get it so, don't regret.”

With that, they started to punch you off and slap you serveral times. Then, Arlene stepped onto your hands which make groan for the first.

“Make sure you leave them alone and or else.” you just nodded for the first but she twist her heels and pressed more which make you say the answer, “Okay! I will!”

She pulled her shoes off and smirk before scoffing, “Good and you off to go, slut.”

You immediately got up and left the place while heading off to the nearest sink and washed off your knuckles. Then, you turn the tap off and dried your swollen hand softly when someone just came up to you.

“Oh, hey there!” you flinched and immediately hide yout swollen hand under your sweater paws before turning youself to the person. “H-hey and do I know you?”

He smiles and then reached his hand out for a handshake, “I'm Jehyun and you're Y/N right?” you nodded and accept his handshake, “Yep that's me and nice to meet you.”

He nodded and smile before shaking your hand but you accidentally hissed due to the pain which make him accidentally turned to your hand. “Wait what happen?”

You just shake your head and told him that you accidentally hurt yourself but he didn't believe and took you to the nurse office. Once you guys got there, he sat you on the bed and rushed off to get the first aid kit box.

Then, he came back and took a sit in front of your with those alcohol cotton swap before he dabbed onto the bruises area. You hissed and he took a quick glance on you before apologizing. When he's done, he wrapped the bandage around.

“Done!” you smiles a bit and thanked him which make him patted your head after standing up and put the chair away. He bend himself until he got the same eye's level and titled his head a bit before smiling. “Wanna go home?” you nodded and he pulled you along.

You adjusted you backpack as he keep dragging you out and when you guys passed the gate already, he held your other hand and dragged you somewhere.

Without realising, he dragged you off to the nearest stall beside the road and bought you guys smoothies. Then, you guys started to talked about random things and started to accompanied you through the day.

Then, you guys started to hang out with each other through the days and get closer after the awkward meeting with each other. “Y/N, come here!”

You nodded and jogged towards him and started to play the swings together. You started to get comfortable around him which makes him happy and patted your head.

|_________________ ❇ ________________|


Seeing her smiles makes my heart flutter and melt for her natural cuteness. Glad that she's happy now.’ I thought to myself, staring at her laughing face.

I can't help but to smiles while chuckling and pressed my lips into a thin line. That deep dimples just drive me crazy combine with her big pair honey brown eyes and her cute looking face just enough to make people fall for her.

Then, both of us walked off from the playground and head off to her neighbourhood. While walking, she hide her hand under her sweater paws and I noticed it right away which make me to pulled her hand and intertwine it with mine before putting it into my pocket.

“J-Jehyun, n-no need to-” I immediately cut her off, “It's fine, koala. I know your hand are cold.” I say which makes her blush and looked away. We keep on walking but it was quiet and without noticing, we finally arrived at her neighbourhood which make to turn herself to me and smile a bit.

“Thanks for that walk, Jehyun-ah.” she thanked me as I pulled both of her hands and put it inside my pocket for a minute. “Don't mind it, koala.” she then just smiles and huffed out a smoke as sign it was cold.

Then, I pulled her closer towards me before wrapping my arms around her to warm her up. Then I let her go after we both bid goobyes to each other.

I turned away and head off when suddenly someone stops me from walking further. “Jehyun.” I turned and saw him which makes me keep my straight face.

“What?” he walked closer and lean, “Stay away from her. She's not yours, she's ours.” he said which makes me rolled my eyes.

“We'll see about that.” a smirk appeared on his face with those glowing bright yellow eyes, “Whatever you say, Jehyun.”

Then, he just disappeared from my sight.

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