1 : darkroom

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"How to escape from my darkroom?"

I was howling in pain,
Murmured by negative terms.
With his words, I felt so drained,
My sanity's now starting to burn.
Four cornered dark space,
The place where I hid my pace,
I could barely want to show my face,
The reason why I was embraced
by darkness.

I felt so doomed and helpless,
Tangled with overthinking
and distress,
Holding a flat sharp part
for calmness,
Wanting to end the tang in the
tip of a lace.
I was laying in a cold floor,
Tried to reflect myself in a mirror,
Hoping to reach the light from the door,
For I'm also not fond of watching
myself suffer.

I want to breathe with
water underneath,
Clean myself to hush
these rapid heartbeats,
Wants to stop from
thinking about death,
And just go out from
my darkroom's den.

Ignite The Unspoken Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon