20 : ain't painless

66 13 4

"Your words stab me, and it ain't painless."

I started overthinking nonstop,
Like I've been stabbed with a shaft,
Dilapidated and with a care so rough,
This pain's so funny,
made me wanna laugh.
I was like in a midst of being tortured,
Excruciatng pain can't even be measured,
I was waiting yet i'm waiting for nothing,
Now seems so pathetic in tangled strings.

I was being ripped with swords of words,
Wiped with blooded silk with brood,
Stapled with sour promises from a tomb,
Crushed by your unending reasons
that made me so dumb.
I wanna distance myself from you
but just can't,
You're giving me throe
and now felt so blunt,
My choice is to leave you—my pain,         
But that choice could surely
drives me insane.

So I chose the word "Stay",
For that's my heart's desire and crave,
But damn you, LOVE, you're so selfish,
I'm now in tears yet
you only eyed me with menace.

How can I feel numb in this state?
If the figurative formation of pain is in shape?
How can you be so indurate?
I don't need the sorry, I need a break.

Ignite The Unspoken Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon