Chapter 18

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 Waking up the next morning was hard. My whole body ached as I rolled over to my side feeling the body beside me shift over. My eyes popped wide open as I let out a shriek falling straight to the ground. The plush carpet broke my fall but it still hurt too much. 

" you alright there Princess" Jasper smirked looking over the bed. I groaned rubbing both my eyes, adjusting to the harsh light. 

" why are you shirtless, and why the hell am I only in my bra and underwear" I questioned sitting up on the ground and looking at myself then back at him. 

He chuckled throwing me a blanket from the bed. I quickly wrapped it around myself, and stood up from the ground. 

" oh I have no idea, what did we do last night that involved two bodies" Jasper contemplated as I gasped the blanket dropping from my shoulders in the process. 

The worst was running through my head as I looked around the room. Our clothes weren't scattered instead they were in a pile at the side of the bed. But still. We were without clothes. I went to sleep yesterday in pajamas. 

Oh crap. 

" did we have sex" I whispered the last word, starring straight at him. 

" why are you whispering, afraid the nun will hear you" Jasper laughed getting out of the bed, only in his boxers. 

Oh no. 

" what do you mean a nun, they live near us" I said going to the window and looking through the blinds. Sure enough there were some nuns walking towards one of the buildings probably getting read for class tomorrow morning. 

Oh wow. I have a pair of nuns living beside this building. 

" relax we did not have sex" He shouted the last word as I grabbed the pillow chucking it at him. " but I will say, we did make out for hours" He winked at me before shutting the bathroom door behind himself. 

Oh no. 


I almost slept with the Prince. Some girls dream of this. I think they'd be mad I didn't take the chance of sleeping with the great Jasper. Sure he was a great kisser, those lips were really nice. 

I smacked my forehead making myself stop thinking about him and went to the closet pulling out an outfit for the day. It was already noon. 

Melissa was supposed to be here along with Diana so we could go shopping and just spend a day between ourselves for a change. Jasper had some conference with his parents for the day and I didn't have to join him for once. 

 " well don't you look lovely" Jasper smiled stepping out of the bathroom a towel hanging off his bottom. 

" thanks, I'm going to the mall, your answers for the questions they will be asking is on the bed" I tell him grabbing some lipgloss and dabbing it on my lips. 

" your not coming?" He pouted grabbing some clothes and going back to the bathroom in order to change. 

I grabbed my mascara waiting for him to come back out to answer him. But he probably already knew I wasn't coming, his dad decided it would be for the best so that no one attacks me during the conference about the future of this country. As if no one thinks I'm in this just for the money and throne. Technically I am dating him as a job but no one knows that part. 

" nope, it's all you" 

" what if they ask about you, I'll tell them you ditched me" He frowned taking a seat on the bed and reading the sheet of paper. 

" no you won't, you will tell them that I'm home or something, " I explain shoving some necessary items into the purse. 

With this job I could afford to splurge on Abigail today and buy her that new purse she has been dying over for the past year or so. I was happy I could actually buy it for her finally. It was pretty expensive but she has been good these past few weeks. So it was worth it. 

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