Chapter 6

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It's 8:00am in the morning and Off is already busy choosing what clothes would he wear today. It's unusual for Off to wake up at 8 on the day of his rest day but today is not just any other day, today he will go to Gun's house. He doesn't know why he is freaking excited coming to Gun's house even though he already been there a couple of times like if Tay wants to hang out in Gun's house he will drag Off with him or ... Wait-- that only happened once? And most of the time he's just waiting outside until Tay and Gun is done with their business inside. Shit! He really didn't step into Gun's house!
Should he make a good impression to his grandmother? Or his father? Off didn't know what to do! Is Gun's father okay to have him inside their house? I mean Tay can go inside so why wouldn't he? He is so damn frustrated right now. He checked his phone and it's already 9:18 time flies so fast but still haven't choose what clothes he would wear!

In the end he just settle with a striped shirt and some pair of blue jeans and a converse. He didn't want to be too dressed or too formal that he didn't look presentable. He wants to wear some of his Hawaiian shirt but then he didn't wear one, he thinks it's too normal? Do you get what he mean by that? Anyway he already arrived at Gun's house, he also brought some fruits before he go there.

His hands is really sweaty and even though the weather is not that hot, sweat start to form on his forehead. He click the doorbell a few times before someone come out. It's Pim, Gun's younger sister. When he saw Pim, she looked dressed like about to go out ‘ if she's going out? Who will take care of Gun? ’ Off thought

“ P'Off? ” Pim lookes confused when she saw Off outside their gate maybe Gun didn't tell that Off is coming

“ Nong Pim hello ”

“ Sawadee kha P'Off what are you doing here? P'Gun is inside he kinda didn't feel nice so he'll be absent for today but he told P'Kwang about it ” Pim said opening the gate for him

“ I know ” Off smiled he looks like he's not invited tho

“ aow? Then why are you here? ”

“ uhm- Gun told me to come here today ” Off just smile he feels very embarrassed right now even though he talked to Nong Pim a lot of times in the past

“ huh-- ah! That's why he is dressed like that~ ”

Off didn't hear what the last word Pim said but looking at her she looks like she's very happy on something, more like smiling like a total crazy now he now knows why Gun is sometimes like that. It's in the genes.

“ uh am I welcome to enter? If not I'll just leave- ”

“ no! No P'! ” Pim is slowly pushing him inside their house

“ take care of P'Gun na? He is sooooo sooooo~ sick right now ”

Off is confused ,she is acting weird really “ I know that's why I bought some fruits ”

Pim smiled grew wider soon as she saw what Off brought for Gun. Off didn't really know if this is how Gun's sister act in the normal basis or he's not just used to it? Either one he thinks Gun's sister is acting weird right now

“ i have to go P'Off okay? Bye bye! ”

“ uh? Yeah bye? ”

Pim disappear in front of him in a sec. He knocked twice on the door before Gun come out, he is wearing a cute pair of pajamas with some giraffe prints on it. Gun is so cute with those matching pajamas and he can't help but stare at the boy. His hair is really out of the place maybe he just woke up but Off thinks still it's the cutest,before he thought he saw all the sides of Gun, the boy still make him shock in awe in everything he does

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