Chapter 18

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“ have to go now P' ”

Off once again said before he leaves P'Tha's office, they talk a little bit about stuff before he decided to excuse his self he just remember that Gun as alone in his condo and he needs to accompany him. His browsing through the internet on what he can bring home for Gun when he bumped into a girl, seriously this is too cliche

“ aow I'm sorry are you okay? ” Off is wearing a mask so the girl he bumped in to can't see his face it's a good thing tho

“ no no I'm fine ” the girl just pass at him like she was in a hurry or something

‘ oh well it's not my fault now ’

Off bought some cupcakes that he hopes Gun will like, but when he arrive at his condo there's no Gun Atthaphan inside

‘ where did he go? ’ Off starts to look for him inside his room hoping Gun was just sleeping but no he's not there. He starts to worry and think about negative things. Where would Gun go? He starts to call Gun and Off was glad that he pick it up

“ where are you? ” the first thing he said when Gun answered the call

[ I'm at the Grammy building ] Grammy?

“ didn't you hear what I said earlier don't go outside that's what P'Kwang said ”

[ but papii don't you remember? P'kwang also said that I need to be here by 4? ]

Aow that's right, he already forgot about that

“ you should've called me so that we can go home together ”

[ what do youe mean? You're here earlier? ]


“ uh well yeah? ” why he always forgot things?!

[ what did you do here? ]

“ uhm you know stuffs? Don't ask about it okay? Can't I go there? ”

[ but you're supposed to be shooting right? ]

“ we're already done okay? I'll pick you up hmm? ”

[ but P'kwang already- ]

“ sorry Gun I'm already inside my car tell P' that he can give you a ride next time ”

[ papii no need ]

“ on my way see you! ”

[ but- ]

He didn't let Gun finish what he wants to say, he wants to see his boy and he wants him to see him now

“ keys~ ” he was about to open the door when it open first revealing a his boy

“ aow, I said I'll pick you up ”

“ and I already told you that P'kwang will giving me a ride ”

Gun just pass at him and go straight to the food he bought

“ but you didn't tell me you're already on her car ”

“ you didn't let me tho? ”  Gun answered him as he shove a a cupcake in his mouth, didn't know that would fit?

“ so what did they talk about? ” Off sits right next to Gun who's busy eating his cupcake

“ you know about the rumor ” Off is surprise at how calm he is compared earlier

“ and what did they ask you to do? ” Gun was busy peeling the paper that is holding the cupcake and give him a piece which he gladly eat

“ you know some stuff and what would I say during the interview, in short they give me a script ” Gun give him another piece and he also eats another piece

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