It's the first month of the year and Off is already busy he's been shooting his series with Mild. The shoot is not that hard or stressful because they have enough time before their part in the series will be aired his friend Singto has a part with it and his part will be aired first he will also have some cameo for a sneak peek for their part. The work is not hard but the people you worked with is the one that makes it difficult.“ Ai'Off look what I have gathered today! ” Mild run to him and show some papers that she calls proof. He didn't know what the hell is that proof for because whenever he asks what is it she will quickly hide the papers telling it's none of his business but if it's none of his business why bother say it to him? He didn't understands Mild's logic most of the time.
“ another PROOFS? ” he sarcastically said he didn't bother to look at her he's busy reading his script. He didn't know if Mild just come here observe him wright something then leave and after a couple of minutes she'll be having some papers calling it her proofs. Is she here for work or to find her proofs that doesn't make sense?
“ yes! And sooner or later I'll be able to complete it! ” Mild say like she was dreaming or something plus she's hugging that stupid paper as if that's so precious, Off doesn't really understand her.
“ wow great ” he said with no emotions while he flips his script scanning his lines over and over again
Mild pull the chair in front of him then she sits on it “ you've read that for a couple of times why read it again? ”He flips another page “ to at least it'll look perfect? Why don't you read yours instead of blabbering some nonsense things and disturbing me? ” he knows he sounds so cruel in front of Mild but he knows that does not affect her that much and Mild also knew that he didn't mean what he said. He just wants this to look good and show it to Gun that he improved his skills because even now he knew he's way far behind in Gun's acting skills.
“ it's already perfect don't pressure yourself too much, P'Gun won't like what you're doing~ ”
Just like what he said the work is fine the people he worked with is the problem and that's him pertaining Mild. She's been teasing him all the time when they're on the set and most of the time she teases him because of Gun. Like how will Gun will do if he knew the things he was doing on set or she will purposely talk about how his guy friends fantasizes Gun of course not in the bad way you're thinking because if that really happens Off will hunt them down. Off didn't know that Gun is popular among boys all this time he thought that their fans are mostly girls but he isn't disregarding the male fans it's just that he didn't expect it that much and maybe he's a little bit jealous. It's petty to be jealous to a fan boy but Off can't stop it although he's the one who can be close to Gun whenever he can he still can't deny the fact that there are guys out there that wants his position and he's too afraid that maybe one day he'll be replaced, that's how his minds work he's thinking in advance even though Gun is unaware of the fanboys he was imagining.
“ P'Off ”
“ hmm? ”
“ when will you make P'Gun as your boyfriend? ” Off stops on what he is doing he didn't answer right away he looks at Mild that is busy scanning her script “ maybe if I'm sure that I have a chance then I'll ask him to be my boyfriend ”
“ but why not now? ”
“ you know the reason ” that's all he said before he continue to read his script
Mild just nod and focused on her script even though her mind is not on it. She's wondering how the hell she can convinced Off.
Another month had passed but Off is still busy he rarely calls Gun this days even though he want to, he can't because of how strict is his schedule and whenever he has a free time he always spend it on either sleeping or script reading. There are things that he is thankful for let's not include the work because he's always thankful to that but it's because Mild is not messing with him anymore but maybe just for now. Mild didn't expect the stress on shooting a series he remembered the time when Mild was scolded by the director because of how she acts actually Mild did a great job but her bad luck is on that day, the director is not in the mood and Mild is the one who got scolded

Behind the Scene || OffGun fanfic [ COMPLETED ]
RandomI thought he feels the same way? Guess I'm being too confident to myself --- This is an OffGun fanfic. I don't know if other ships will be included but we'll see along the way but for now let's start with offgun. I'm not a professional writer and En...