🔹 Genre List 🔹

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This is the list of genres and as the slots fill up, this will be updated frequently.

1. Action/Adventure [2/10]
2. Fan Fiction [7/10]
3. General Fiction [2/10]
4. Historical Fiction [0/10]
5. Horror/Paranormal [0/10]
6. Poetry [4/10]
7. Random [2/10]
8. Art Gallery / Graphic Showcase [0/10]
9. Romance / Chicklit [10/10] FULL
10. Science Fiction [2/10]
11. Non-Fiction [0/10]
12. One Shot / Short Story [4/10]
13. Spiritual [1/10]
14. Mystery/Thriller [1/10]
15. Urban/Dystopian [0/10]
16. Vampire/Werewolf [0/10]
17. Fantasy [3/10]
18. Teen Fiction[10/10] FULL

🔹 If any genre is missing or you'd like some genre to be added,
comment here ➸
🔹 Random books are excepted too, as long as it has some story in it.
🔹 A genre once filled, wouldn't be reopened unless and until there's enough request to do so.

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