Chapter 5-You Are Anything But

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Camille escapes hell, aka her 5th "family". She is now living with Mr. Owner, Amadeo Desiderito, who wants her to marry one of his many sons. She tries to escape but ends up being caught. On her final attempt the lights go out and arms wrap around her and she sees a window. However she is on the fifth floor adn decides against jumping for obvious reasons.

Chapter Five-You Are Anything But

Camille's P.O.V.

Camillio, Twin Number Two, had to become the super hero of the day by capturing me. Great, just f-ing great. Wait, why did I not realise he and Lambo were in the office the first time? I am so stupid some times!

Ouch! Camillio has one hell of a grip on me and seems to be carrying me down a long dark hallway bridal style with the other men behind.

I play with my hair and twirl it around my finger, bored as hell. Why not stir up some trouble, shall we?


No answer.


"Yo people!"

Seriously? Anyone?



Oh, should have thought of that earlier.

"Wanna hear a joke?"

Camillio inhaled a long breath and sighed before replying, "Why not?"

"Okay it is called the interupting cow joke."

"Go on."

"Why is this hallway so damn long?"

"Well we-"


I earned a glare and a couple of chuckles from the guys behind me.

"Knock Knock."



"Oh my-"











I love getting him mad, he looks sexy. (;

"What do you call an owl with no nose?"

No reply.

I look at one of the guys I met earlier. Don't remember his name though....

"Hey you!"

"Me?" The guy pointed to himself in the dark.

"Yeah duh!" Geeze how stupid are these guys?


"Answer the joke already!"

"No one knows the answer!"

Camillo was now carrying me up stairs, which makes no sense, and I moved so I was over his shoulder to look at the other guy I was questioning.

"Hey buddy, you are close. Go on, almost there."

"No one knows? Ah! Knows like a nose!"

I clapped, "Yes now keep going!"

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