Chapter 9-Bachelorette

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Camille is adjusting to her new home and school. Everyone just got back from the "club" after a long afternoon of workouts.


Chapter 9-Bachelorette

Camille's P.O.V.

How do men eat so much but stay so fit? This is a question that has been ringing in my ears since I have arrived here. I swear each guy ate an entire turkey and an entire bowl of fixin's. They would fill up their plate to their noses, put their face into it, and shove all of the food into their mouths like a vacuum.

As I made obvious gagging gestures and tried to imagine the guys cleaning anything, Amadeo broke my thought process, "So do you know which one of my boys you are going to marry yet?"

*Insert me spitting my hot tea all over Nunzio who currently sat in front of me*

Camillo snorted as everyone froze, "I'd take that as a no father dearest."

I just sheepishly smiled as I handed Nunzio my napkin, who was still frozen in place, and attempted to regain my composer, "I still haven't gotten to truly know any of the guys yet so...yeah?"

Keyword here: attempted

Amadeo just sat up straighter and smiled a creepy smile with his hands folded. Valentino raised an eyebrow and gave Amadeo a look, "What are you thinking?" And then Vincenzo replied with the same look, "Yeahhhh....What are you thinking?" At least we now know which Sansone brother is the smart one. *cough cough* Valentino *cough cough*

Sitting at the head of the table, like always, he slowly stood up and started walking around the table.

"I have a marvelous idea dearest children, Camillo." Camillo just kept his same expression as his father happily mocked him. "But, we'll discuss it after dinner. Please help clean up and we'll all meet in the game room before we separate once we are done cleaning. And I mean all 14 of you." Juliano raised his hand. Amadeo sighed, "What?" He smiled, "Does that mean I get a free pass?" Amadeo laughed and stopped, "Nope! That is for the soon to be bride! She needs to supervise to choose which man she wants. Probably a hard working one so get to work ladies!"

I just shrugged and smiled as the table was instantly clean and the kitchen was a mess with fifteen of us running back in forth with bubbles floating from the foaming sink, sauce all over the counters and floor from where someone dropped a pan, and the smell of bleach and cleaner. I quickly helped take the trash out and wiped down all the counters and the dinning table, setting it all up for our next meal.

In under ten minutes, we were done and exhausted once we ran all the way up to our rooms, changed into pjs, and met in the game room. I wore navy oversized sweat pants that I rolled at the top and a red tank top. Everyone else was shirtless and either had on sweats or basketball shorts.

We were sprawled out across the couches like the first time I met them all, just a couple days ago. And surprisingly, I only knew like five of them. But hey, I know five, which is better than zero.

Amadeo walked in wearing sweats and a t-shirt and stood in front of us. There was a coffee table with multiple things he threw onto there.

"Okay thank you for cleaning up dinner for once, within reasonable time too. But enough with that and onto the next thing! Camille is going to be our bachelorette, and you fine gentlemen are the bachelors. I will give her a list of all your names where she has room to write notes and whatever she wants. I will give you a month for you to choose your husband Camille and then another month for the two of you to plan a wedding. Deal?"

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