Chapter 5: Shadows of Danger

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Mrs. Dale's class was only an hour-long, which was fortunate. Exiting the classroom, I noticed Florian engaged in conversation with someone. Based on his facial expressions, it seemed like a tense exchange. When I looked up, I found those dark, malevolent eyes peering into my direction. A chill ran down my spine, creeping me out. The corridor appeared empty, and a sense of vulnerability settled in. I felt exposed. Suddenly, the man noticed me and forcefully grabbed Florian's arm. Panicking, I hid behind a nearby pillar.

"What the heck are you doing at my university?" His words came out harsher than I had anticipated. The confrontation unfolding before me left me frozen, unsure of how to react to the unexpected tension between Florian and this mysterious intruder.

The man's menacing voice whispered, "I come looking for you."

The ominous words hung in the air, sending shivers down my spine. The unexpected and cryptic declaration left me on edge, and my curiosity mixed with fear as I continued to observe the intense exchange between Florian and this mysterious figure. The corridor, once a passageway for students, now felt like the stage for an unfolding drama, with an unsettling atmosphere that hinted at a connection between them that I couldn't quite comprehend.

My thoughts raced in turmoil; this situation was far from right. The man cleared his throat, waving his hand obnoxiously in front of Florian's face. He took a step closer, exhaling deeply. Unsure of what to do or who to turn to for help, I rapidly scanned the area, desperately seeking someone to assist me in getting this person out of our way. Just as panic threatened to consume me, I saw a distant figure walking towards us - Justin and his friend. I acted on instinct; desperation fueled my actions. I hurled my books at the man, causing him to sob in anguish.

Without hesitation, I dashed towards Florian as fast as I could, colliding my head into his powerful chest. I grabbed his hand, and we started running. In the distance, Justin called security, and the man was eventually escorted out, still yelling incomprehensible words. The ordeal left me shaken, and I clung to Florian's presence for a sense of security as we distanced ourselves from the unsettling encounter.

I slowly raised my head to find a confused Florian staring at me.

"Why did you do that?" he asked.

"I sensed danger," I replied, maintaining my gaze on him.

"That man is a psychopath; he saw you. He will hunt you down," he added, his tone carrying an undercurrent of anger, which he concealed beneath a whispered voice.

If it weren't Florian, I might have thought he was genuinely concerned. It was challenging to decipher the emotions hidden behind his gorgeous eyes.

"Are you okay, Bella?" Justin asked, taking a step closer to me.

I could feel Florian's gaze on me. Taking a step back, I replied, "Yeah, my treat. I know a hot pot nearby; let's go." And just like that, I found myself with the most handsome trio of ECU, trying to move past the unsettling encounter and regain a sense of normalcy in the company of familiar faces.

I realized that spicy hot pots were a staple for Florian, and surprisingly, he liked the same meat, tofu pieces, and vegetables as I did. In contrast, Justin and his friend preferred the non-spicy pot with chicken meat, carrots, bok choy, and sweet yam.

"Who was that man?" I asked while slurping my broth.

"A psychopath," he responded simply, placing a napkin on my skirt and one beside my fork.

"You're eating like a baby," he whispered. The comment made me realize that my dislike for him was still intact, and Florian remained a stone wall that seemed impenetrable, even by me.

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