Wake Up, It's Over- Part 2

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Now I was some place else. All the commotion from before was long gone. But I was still unaware of where I was or how I got here. My memory fades in and out, unable to explain anything.

But I wasn’t alone.

"This is your fault." Someone spoke to me. To be exact, she more or less hissed at me with vengeance.

What was my fault?

The angry voice opened my hand quickly, placing a cold round object in my grasp before closing my palm with tight force. On that note, my visitor exited, her heels clacking the whole way out the door.  

I recognized her. But in the darkness I couldn't find a face or a name to match the voice. Why was she mad at me? What did I do? What did she leave for me? My fingers clung to the object tightly, but did not make any movement nor recognized what I was holding. It was small, that was all I knew at the moment.

I wanted answers, yet I felt somehow trapped in this place of darkness. It was hot. Humid. Sticky. I felt confined to this space with no windows or doors, where the air was wet with every breath I took. It wasn’t sleep though. When I sleep I feel nothing but bliss. This was torturous emptiness.

"Hadley...it's okay. Open your eyes." Tristans voice flickered in my ears. For a moment the air lifted off my shoulders as I took a gasping breath as his presence gushed into my captivity.  My eyes shot open, revealing a pale blue room with painfully bright ceiling lights.

I sat straight up in the bed I was laying in, gasping for air, searching the room with terrified eyes.

Where was Tristan?

I had tubes and cords all over me. One drapping under my nose, more jammed tightly into my arm. The same ping I heard before was beside me, less amplified but still monitoring something.

I was scared.

“Mom!” I screamed fiddling with the needles. My father came rushing in within seconds with a distraught look on his face.

“Hadley, sweetie its okay.” He whispered crouching by my side. But it wasn’t. something was horribly wrong. My eyes caught a glance at a slender silver ring encrusted with diamonds. I stopped for a moment and picked it up from my bedding.

“Why do I have Nicoles ring?” I whispered looking up at him. I looked at the engraving on the inside, horrified that it was in my possession. “This is hers from Tristan. She never takes it off. He’s gonna be crushed. He-he-he” I stopped, suddenly remembering the crashing of waves smothering me. The image was vivid in my mind, making me cringe.

“Oh Hads…” My dad whispered taking my hands in mine.

Tristan was there. He was with me in the water. I died though. Why was I here? Where was Tristan? Did he wrap his arms around me? I was with him.

“Where is he?” I shivered.

No answer.

“Where. Is. He.” I demanded opening my eyes. My father was silently weeping, unable to answer me. But I didn’t need him to, I knew exactly what happened now.


Home was going to feel empty, I told myself that now.  

The whole drive back to Seaside Avenue was utterly silent. I could see in the side mirror that my mother was hanging on by a thread not to burst into tears. My father's tight hands around the steering wheel proving he was much the same.  

I looked down through my blurred vision at the silver ring in my palm.

Yes, it was my fault. Thanks for the reminder.  

"Welcome home..." My father said his voice hoarse.  

I stepped out before he could help me, my eyes locked at my feet, which moved mechanically. Everything in my being didn't want to move. If I had it my way, I'd be the dead one. I wouldn't be coming back here.  

"Hadley...Come on be careful." He said after me as I walked quickly for the door.  

No answer. I wasn't in the hospital anymore, they couldn't wrap me in bubble wrap just to keep me safe from the outside now.  

"I'm going to bed." I said without looking back as I entered the cold vacant house while my parents stood outside together.

Nothing had changed. As I looked around, the walls were still warm beige. The windows were open bringing the sea breeze in through the screen. I walked slowly down the hall; each step was silent and cautious. The tile beneath my bare feet felt like blocks of ice that screamed to leave. But my feet moved on. I looked straight ahead now, the off white door in front of me was nowhere near inviting, but my body led me towards it.  

I stopped in front of the door, my fingers reaching for the brass knob. I held it.  

"Tristan, come back.” I whispered my dead brothers bedroom door.


If I didn't make it clear, This is 'One Push'. I just changed the brothers name and edited a few things. 

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