Part: 1

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Hey, I'm Kurapika. I'm an omega of course, but I don't let anyone but my close friends know. My friends are a mixture of things.
Gon is an omega like me, Killua is an alpha, and Leorio is a beta.
Gon and I get along the most of course, which kinda works out since we can talk about hot alphas.
It's kind of funny since Gon is attracted to Killua, but he tries to pretend he's not. He's a terrible liar.

Anyways, the collage has three different dorm buildings. One for Alphas, one for Betas, and one for omegas. Only an omega can live in an omega dorm, but other types can visit if it's deemed safe. Same for other dorms.

Kurapika walked out of his dorm and locked the door, looking around the halls. He sighed and took out his phone, texting the group chat.
Kura: [Hey. Gon won't got to class for awhile]

Killu: [why not? What happened? :/]

Kura: [Omega problems.]

Leo: [that sucks]

Killu: [alright -∆-]

He put his phone away and left the building, showing some concern for his friend. Killua just shook his head and kept walking. 'Gon will be fine. I made sure he had bottled water but I should come back later to make sure he's doing ok'

Lost in thought, he entered the main building without noticing his other friends. "Kurapika!" A voice spoke. He stopped in his tracks as Killua and Leorio got in front of him. "Oh. Hey guys. Sorry I was just distracted. Let's go" They made their way through the halls and listened to Leorio's long story.

Kurapika looked over at Killua, who's nose seemed to be moving slightly. "Oh. Sorry Killua, I must have Gons smell slightly on me?" Kurapika whispered. Killua nodded but whispered back "don't worry about it. You guys share a room, right? So you'll smell like him no matter what"

They continued to walk, but saw a large group start to walk towards them.

Killua grumbled as he focused on the group, seeing one of the most popular Alphas. "Him again. It's like he's everywhere" Killua got a bit pissed off, but looked at his friends to see confusion. "He's in the dorm next to mine, so I have to pass him a lot. If it weren't for all the guards we would have fought already"

Kurapika looked at the popular alpha and the group behind him, only to sigh and look away. "You guys try to fight a lot, right? What's the dude like?" "He's an asshole-" "Killua!" "It's true though. Always saying he's stronger and I have no chance. That might be true but he doesn't have to say it"

They started to pass the group and Kurapika looked up, suddenly making eye contact with the alpha. His stomach started turned and his heart felt like it skipped a beat. "What the.." Kurapika mumbled.

He confusingly looked behind him at the now passed group, only to get startled by his friends' voice. "Don't tell me you like him" Leorio mumbled. "Wha- no!"
Killua nudged Kurapika "I hope you haven't. I told you he's an asshole"

"Shut up. You guys are the assholes"

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