05:36 am

128 27 12

Dear diary,

it's okay, you know?
waking up with emotions way bigger than you can handle,
waking up and feeling moved by everything that is happening around you or inside you,
what is not okay is throwing up first thing in the morning, because you can't handle the storm inside you
but i know you're working on that.
i know you are.

but you're also not really good at it
and now that i think about it
you're not really good at a lot of things.
that's okay.
being good has never changed the world, so take pride in being bad.
i know you have a lot of pride,
maybe even too much
yet you have never choked on it.

a proud hurricane,
that's what you are.
proud of being destructive.
asking yourself at night,
right when the rest of the world is finally asleep
why no one wants to stay close?
why everyone is simply afraid of you?

half hearted relationships are all you know
hear them shout
from a safe distance, far far away
sickening sweet, way too sweet,
way too much, overflowing

oh, that's what you're good at
being too much
too much to handle, too much to take in
too proud, too sweet, too bad
oh, what a shame!

have you ever seen a honey pot overflow?
have you ever seen a hurricane ruin itself?
have you ever seen

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