16. destiny

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My green eyes met the blue ones that i sometimes thought i just imagined. That this color couldn't be real.
but they were.
they were right in front of me.

„sunflower" i whispered as i took the medallion from my neck.
She walked through the crowd and everybody let her through till she stood right before the stage.
I put my guitar down and took my earphones out. then i jumped off the stage, took her by the hand, and ran outside.

It was raining but i didn't care, i just stood there and looked into her blue eyes.
She looked like that day 9 months earlier. Her hair was wet and pearls were building upon her long dark lashes.
,,This belongs to you." i whispered as i laid the medallion around her neck.
she didn't look away.
Her eyes locked with mine the whole time. I couldn't really read her emotions as she said:,,It's you Harry."
Slowly all the pieces got together in my head.
,,Belle?" i questioned, ,,It was always you? You are Sunflower?"
She nodded slowly.
She looked down at the medallion and brushed over it gently. ,,I thought id never see it again." she admitted silently.
,,I thought i would never see you again."
i responded and added slowly:„You were always there."
she looked up smirking. ,,More destiny than bad luck huh?"
She added slowly:
„Can i ask you something even if its not about books or zombies?"
I nooded smirking as i put my arms around her waist.
„Can i kiss you?"
As an answer i smiled back at her and pulled her closer into my arms to kiss her.

And That's when the rain stopped pouring and the sun came out of the clouds.
And the coldness of the rain disappeared.

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