Episode 8

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🍘Dalton pov🍘

I walked up to Happiness room and knocked upon her door.

"Hello..Happiness, open the door" I said

But I heard no answer

"Baby, open this door...please

"Go away. I don't want to see you"

My heart sank. I hate making my daughter sad. And it broke my heart to see her crying or sad.

"Please, let's talk. Please baby"

Then I heard a click. She has opened the door.

I opened it and walked in and saw her on the bed crying. She placed down the door remote and pulled a pillow to herself.

"Hey, baby" I said to her. "I am sorry about what Stephan said, okay?"

She looked at me.

"Where's my mummy?" she asked

I sighed.

"She's dead, Happiness"

"I want to see her grave, daddy"

"Happiness...I don't know where she was buried and besides...."

"Then where's my grandmother?" she cut me off.


"At least, she will have a mother or father or any other family. Let me meet them. I want to see them, daddy please.." she said and pulling my cloth.

I hold her hand.

"Happiness...wait...about that, I'll look into it and get back to you"

"Promise?" she said

"Promise!" she hugged me.

"That's my baby girl" She pulled back and kiss my lips while I just smiled.

Where will I find her families? How can I tell her that I raped her mother? How can I even tell her that I can't even recollect her mother's appearance? Shit! This is a big trouble.
🍩Lemma pov🍩

"Daddy, it been six years. Can't you forgive Helene by now?" I said to my dad who was looking through the newspaper.

He look at me for a while then continued with whatever he was doing.

"Daddy...I am talking to you" I face mom. "Mom, why can't you talk to daddy?"

"Honey, I tried my best but..." mom whispered then signal me to look at dad.

"I hate you, daddy" I said and ran away to my room.

(Skip time)

🍈Loretta pov🍈

That's how Helene got separated with her daughter. In order for her not to be remember it, we left the country and based in another country.

Though, she used to remember it always but still it was better than when we were in that country.  

I wonder where her family her. Every month, a strange message used to be sent to my phone. Like

'another money has been sent'

'help me take care of her'

'I'll be back when my heart is ready to forgive her'

'I love her'

And I don't know the person. But I think it's from the owner of the credit card that I took in Helene's house that day.
🍰Lemma pov🍰

My door flipped open and mom walked in.

"What's it?" I said looking away.

"You have a visitor" she said


"Just come down" and she walked out.

I sighed and get my lazy butt out of the bed then walked out. I wonder who the person is.

I walked in to the sitting room and saw one man around my daddy's age and two bodyguards behind his back.

I looked at dad then to the person.


"Sit down" daddy said

I took a seat besides my daddy.

"You see this man?"

I look at the man.

"He is my friend.

"You're welcome, sir" I said to the man who smiled at me.

"You're beautiful, my dear

"He is the father of the man that your sister supposed to marry before she got pregnant" I gulp down. "So, since his son can't marry your sister anymore, then we thought that it will be a better idea if you get engage with his son" Daddy said

"What?! daddy...!"

"That's what I want and I hope you will obey me unlike your sister, huh?"

I kept shut.

"My dear,.I'll be happy if you agree to this coz we have promised each other since we were kids that our sons and daughters will marry each other. And I know that you will be a great daughter in-law" the man said and smiled.

I looked at dad and he gave me a look that says 'don't you dare disagree'

"Will you accept, my dear?" the man asked again.

I looked at mom who nodded.

"Y-yes, sir" I said almost in whisperes.

"That's very good" My dad said and smiled.

"I suggest that since Happiness has gone to meet her father, how about you go there and be taking care of her since I have already told my son about you earlier? And here is his picture" he showed it to me.

My eyes widened. This guy is so hot and handsome. This is a lucky chance. I love this.

"That's a very brilliant idea, my friend. What do you think dear?" Dad asked my mom.

"If she agrees, then no objections" Mom said

What should I say? I have already seen his son's picture and trust me I think I like him.

"If that's what you want, I have no objection" I said and the man smiled.

"Okay. I'll arrange how you will go there and get back to your dad, okay?"

I nodded. .
🍌Happiness pov🍌

"What? You mean daddy said your fiancé is coming here?" Stephan said to my daddy.

"She's not my fiancé. I have not seen her before in my life. I don't even know if she was beautiful or not. And I am not ready for any love now" Daddy said

"But you had no choice. She's already your fiancé and Happiness step mother"

"Never! She can't be my step mother. I don't like any girl except my mom and grandma. And sometimes, I kinda like that stupid girl over there" I said and point to my maid who was cleaning the dinning table.

"So, what should we do now?" Stephan asked

"She will ever regret coming here" Dad said

"So, no more clubbing?"

"For where? She can't stop me from clubbing. And I don't care if she's here or not, I'll have my chick here on my bed"

"Will you be sharing bed together?"

"What! No! You know I like girls much but since I know that they want to make her my wife or something, I just developed hatred towards her"

"Leave her to me, I'll frustrate her life. Nobody will tell her before she ran away. Trust me, daddy" I said and eat my popcorn.

T. B. C

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