Episode 18

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🍓Dalton father pov🍓

"Honey...what happened?" My wife asked me.

"Lemma hit Happiness."

"What?! How dare her? How dare her lay her hand on my precious grand daughter? Which kind of girl is that? Is that how she will be hitting her when she marries her father?"

"Calm down, that's not the problem now."

"How is that not a problem? She hit your granddaughter."

"I know but today I received this letter in work."

"Who sent it and what did it say?"

"It didn't say the person. But what it contained...it so...."

My wife snatched the paper from my hand.

Her eyes widened as she read through it.

"She's pregnant?"

She said looking at me with surprise.

I nodded.

"So, Lemma is already pregnant with another person baby before visiting Dalton?"

"I think the guy sent this letter" I mumbled.

"She can't marry my son anymore. Not in this life. She took a bastard to my son's house! She has to leave. Give Dalton a call right now" My wife said.

"Take it easy. Let me see her father first. You have to take things slowly."

"No way. What if she makes Dalton sleep with her and claims that he owns it?"

"But we have already known the truth. And besides, Dalton doesn't like her. I'll look into it, don't worry." I said assuring my wife.

🍱Dalton pov🍱

"Why did you want to do that?" I asked Helene.

"I just feel like going back home."

"But am going to miss you."

"I won't stay long. Just to check if..." she shook her head. "You know...guardian of angel..may visit me..or mom or Lemma. I have a feeling that among those three.."

"What about school?" Stephan said sipping on his drink.

"Dalton will cover up for me" She said.

My eyes widened.


"Yes..they will obey you, you know"

"I have repented. I am now a born again" I said.

"Um..born again indeed" Loretta said and rolled her eyes.

"So, are you going with her?" Stephan asked Loretta sadly.

"Not at all. She is going alone." She answer.

"Should I go with you?" I asked her.

"No..there's no need for that."

"Or are you going there to see another guy?"

She rolled her eyes.

The next day

🍰Lemma pov🍰

I was in the sitting room when the door flipped open. Coming in was my lost sister, Helene.

"Helene.." I screamed and ran to hug her.

"Lemma!" She said happily and hugged me tight.

"So..my gut was telling the truth after all" She said smiling.

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