Episode 15

652 17 1

At 🌃 night

🍟Helene pov🍟

I was coming back from Happiness room where I went to put her to sleep when I noticed that Dalton's room light was put on.

When the maid went to call him earlier for dinner...he refused and I wonder why.

I hope it's not because of me.

Then I decided to pay him a visit.

I walked in without knocking and saw him pour a drink into a glass cup.

"Hey..." I muttered.

He turned his face to the side and saw me.

"Hey..." He mumbled.

"Can I come in?" I asked

He laughed

"You're already in." I smiled and walked up to him.

"Why did you refuse to join us for dinner?"

"I just don't feel like. I don't have appetite" He answer sipped on his drink.

"Is something bothering you?" I said taking a seat to sit near him.

He look down.

"Everything...is bothering me." He mumbled.

"Can you share it? Maybe I can be of help to you."

"It obvious...you know."


"I made a grave mistake towards one person and I don't know if the person can ever forgive me." He said and looked into my eyes.

"Hmm..interesting. I have encountered this same question today." I said and smiled.

His raised his brows.

"Encountered? By who?"


"My daughter?"

I nodded.

"What did she say?"

"She said...Can I forgive and forget the person that took away my happiness?"

His eyes widened.

"T-then...what's your own reply?" He stuttered.

"I haven't replied her back yet but I'll reply you in her own answer.."

"What's her own answer?"

"She said...since the person has realized his mistakes and apologized...what else? You should forgive the person but Dalton..." I looked at him. "Can I ever forgive the person?"

His eyes sadden immediately.

"It...just...gonna take a while..it hurt to even think of it..trust me." I stated.

"Okay...I understand." He drank all his wine and poured another one.

"And about what you asked me in the morning..." He looked at me instantly.

"I accept...I accept to be your girlfriend..." I said.

His face brightened.


I nodded

He hugged me instantly.

"Wow...thank you so much. I love you baby."

"I love you too..." 

He pulled back and took my hand.

"Has anybody told you how cute you are?"

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