Chapter 1: Rejected

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Ravi didn't usually drink Northbridge liquor, but he needed something stronger than a sunbrew to get him through this particular party. He was already on his second glass of a drink that tasted like campfire smoke, hoping it might burn away his discomfort. Three years gone by since the hurt was fresh, and it should've numbed. No such luck.

Gadsen's backyard was almost unrecognizable, with blooming flowerpots carted in to border the fence, glimmering hover lights overhead, and a tiny fountain-altar to the First Goddess burbling in one corner. But even with all the notes of respectability that suddenly decorated the place, he could still feel the uneven dips in the lawn left behind from their endless games of backyard mallet. The First Goddess' fountain blocked a burnt portion of the fence from the time Gadsen had accidentally lit a barbecue with crisper torch fuel. None of it felt so long ago.

The bright pink celebration dais constructed in the middle of the yard said otherwise. Some of the other guests were dancing already, even though it was too early. Perhaps they'd rush the rest of the traditions. A relief if they did, because he'd offend no one if he slipped away early.

Across the lawn, he made the mistake of eye-contact with a curious face and dove back into his drink. There was little worse than groping desperately through small talk. Too slow. The man's bemused expression dissolved into recognition, and he grabbed his partner's hand to lead him across the lawn. "Subal Endessen! Is that you?"

Goddess, his voice boomed. Claverin had been loud when he joined Gadsen and Ravi's unit, and he seemed to have gotten louder since leaving it. Ravi dredged up a smile as Claverin and his twiggy partner approached.

"Clav, old friend," he said. "Good to see you."

"A fine thing to see you after all these years!" The man turned to his partner, swiping his hand in introduction. "Banni, this is my old subal."

He shifted his drink to his other hand to touch the proper fingers to the center of his forehead in salute. "Raviro Endessen. Pleasure to meet you."

The skinny young man returned the greeting with sloppy form. "Such an honor!" He laid a hand on Claverin's shoulder. "Clav speaks so highly of his service year with you and Gadsen."

"Oh. Well..." He wracked his brain for something suitably positive. "He was always up for a challenge. Seems to have done you well, Clav." Ravi eyed the thin metal rings of concentric circles forming a ripple on Clav's chest and hoisted another smile. His former recruit outranked him by four. Fuck his entire life.

"All thanks to your training, and Com Gadsen's recommendation." Claverin peered closer at the two paltry rings arrayed below Ravi's shoulder. "I must say, I'm surprised you don't have your own unit to command by now, Subal Endessen. But Gadsen's lucky to have you as his second. I've been through three different units by now, and you're the best of the best."

"I find it's still a good fit." He took a blazing swallow to wash down the lie.

Claverin's partner waved over someone else he recognized, and they all started cooing over the delightful party and the delightful drinks and the delightful bride-to-be, wasn't she lovely? His holowatch glowed into view on his wrist, flashing blue. He'd never been so happy to see it. "Sorry, got to answer this," he murmured, backing away from the group.

It was an excellent excuse to retreat from the yard entirely, and into the dark house. Ravi swiped his thumb down the center of his wrist, and the holowatch blazed to life, the imager projecting above his forearm. The picture flickered, but between waves of sparkling static, he saw a familiar grin.

"Ravi!" Her voice was tinny. "Tell me you didn't go to that jackass's engagement party!"

He cleared his throat. "I... he's not a jackass. Where are you?"

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