Chapter 27 /Part 2/

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Seconds turned to minutes, and then minutes were creeping past. The crew waited in silence, too nervous to talk with the watchful Enforcers lurking all around them. Eventually, the Enforcer com flicked open a missive, and then announced that the crew was returning to the residences. Without Ravi. Hopefully, it was a good sign.

The very air was strained with nerves on the ride back. By the time they slipped free of the oppressive silence in the hovs, Lio was ready to collapse in the grass. After everything they had accomplished, his friends were still going to be scattered. Separated from each other. He had been so sure that if they managed to fly the lightship, anyone would see that they were the only crew who ever should.

Trudging across the emerald lawns, finally unsupervised, Teres bumped his elbow. "You alright, Lio?" On his other side, Aziri glanced at him.

"Yes. I think so. I was certain it would..." He shook his drooping head. It had been so long since he last slept, and it was all catching up to him.

"I still think your plan was a good try," Aziri said, stifling a yawn. "And even if the Commissioners don't listen, I'm glad you spoke up. You made us sound quite good." He lifted his thick brows. "Particularly Com Endessen."

"He deserves it," Lio mumbled, flushing.

Aziri poked his warming cheek. "How long has this been going on?"

Evasive action required. Feign confusion. "What are you—"

"Oh, don't try it, Lio," Teres said mildly. "We all know you're into him, and the way he looks at you hasn't gone unnoticed either."

"It does seem like you're fucking it up less than expected. Although you probably should've figured out a better way to introduce him to your family." Aziri cackled.

Lio avoided their gazes, but he heard Teres mutter something and reach across him to sock Aziri in the shoulder.

Everything was happening so quickly, there hadn't been time to consider the future. But those considerations were starting to creep in, no matter how much he wanted to resist them. As soon as his mother had reappeared, all of the realities of his life reappeared too. Opalina had shielded him and Ravi in goddess-blest privacy long enough to get caught up in each other. But now he'd lost the lightship, and with it, his chance at a future different from the way the rest of his family lived.

When he chanced a look up, Aziri and Teres were both watching him with obvious concern. But they had already caught up to the rest of the crew, and Lio was glad it forestalled any further attempt at a conversation. He could barely sort out his feelings for himself, let alone explain them to his friends.

"What do we do now?" Duhar asked. The crew clustered in the middle of the lawns, everyone slumped, half-dead on their feet.

Jossen rubbed his hands together. "I think we go get some sleep. Com Endessen will tell us what comes next when he gets back."

There were silent nods, and they dispersed. It was harder than it should have been to walk away. Perhaps because it was one of the last times they would be all together like this. Unless by some miracle, Ravi was able to convince the Commissioners to take all of them.

In the sparse accommodations provided, Lio curled up on the bed, and the rest of his thoughts sprang from the clouds of confusion in his mind. His family would have plenty of opinions about his reassignment. Likely somewhere nearer to home in the capitol. And so quickly, everything would shift back to high profile parties and political dinners and rehearsed speeches and a lifetime of false-smiling. Ravi wouldn't recognize the Lio who lived that life. He would want no part of it, and Lio couldn't blame him.

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