Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 5

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Getting up to go to school on Monday morning was hell.

Last night while you were patrolling, some idiots decided it'd be fun to rob a grocery store and use a motorized shopping cart as a getaway. It didn't take long to catch them considering they had no way to steer the cart, but one of them had a quirk that allowed him to control people like puppets on a string. In a last, desperate attempt to escape, he used his quirk to slam you into a brick wall.

Which, by the way, hurts A LOT.

Usually, you would have phased through the wall, but you've been so exhausted lately that your reaction time isn't the same. So, now your back is heavily bruised, you are drained to the bone, and severely pissed off from lack of sleep.

You consider quitting this mission for the millionth time since you started, but you talk yourself out of it again. The only thing keeping you going is Toshinori needing you. If it wasn't for him, you would have left days ago and never turned back, letting someone else deal with these students.

Your schedule now consists of going to UA five days a week from 8:10-4:30, then going home and taking a quick nap, doing your homework, eating a short meal, and then having night patrol from 7 pm to 4 am. Your energy is drained and on top of that, you have to fill out paperwork for your agency on all of the bad guys you apprehend. It isn't the most glamorous part of being a hero, but it's required. The paperwork takes up most of your morning after you get home so you still don't get to sleep after patrol.

You feel like the walking dead by the time you arrive at the UA gates, staring boredly at the glass building glittering in front of you. You walked to school today to avoid Toshinori, you aren't mad at him, but he sure will be if he knows you are neglecting your health again, both mental and physical. He'll probably knock you out just so you can rest for a few hours.

"(L/nnnnnnn)! Morning!" Mina shouts from behind you. She waves her arms around like a maniac as she runs towards you at full speed. Without getting a chance to react, she tackles you to the ground in a bear hug, squeezing you tightly as she giggles cheekily against your chest. She nuzzles her face against you with a wide grin. She is way too energetic today.

She laughs, standing up and lending you a hand. Too tired to stand up on your own, you allow her to pull you to your feet, staggering a bit before gaining your footing. "Woah! What happened to you? You look like you were just brought back from the dead," She jokes. You yawn and rub your watering eyes as your jaw starts to hurt.

"I haven't been sleeping well," You mumble back in response, not having the energy to return even a bit of her enthusiasm.

"What! Why not? You need to take care of yourself! That isn't healthy!" Mina shouts, going on about how you should be getting more rest. You scoff at her concerns. You know for a fact that she isn't any better about sleeping than you are.

After stealing your phone last Friday, Mina copied your number and proceeded to text you every hour of the day since. She even shared your number with the other members of the Bakusquad and they text you too, inviting you to hang out with them, go out for food, etc. Well, everyone except Bakugo.

You even get texts from Mina during your patrols in the dead of night. She'll send you memes and spam your phone with strange videos, asking if you're awake. You never respond to the messages in hopes she'd go to sleep though.

You let yourself be dragged to class by the energetic girl as Mina changes subjects from your shitty health to the newest tik tok she made. She starts ranting about some dance and even demonstrates a few moves for you even though you don't care. You don't even know what she's talking about.

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