Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 7

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When lunch rolls around on your seventh day without the Bakusquad, a whole week since you told them to stay away from you, you prepare to eat alone on the roof once again. But, it seems the world has other, unfortunate, plans for you as someone pokes your shoulder lightly. You turn around to meet the shaking form of Izuku Midoriya. Toshinori's successor.

"Can I help you?" You ask smoothly, your cold, steady voice making him clam up at your blunt words. Midoriya's face turns red as he starts sweating, making his face represent the colors of Christmas.

"I-I um...I wanted to k-know....i-if maybe you...you would like to j-join me and my friends for LuNcH!" Midoriya stutters over his words, making it hard to follow along as his voice cracks at the end, making him turn scarlet. But, you listen to his nervous ramble, frowning the entire time.


"Great! We were going to- wait what?!" Midoriya stops midsentence when he realizes you declined his invitation.

"I said no," You repeat, bluntly.

This is exactly like your interaction with Kirishima on your first day. Is it a trend for everyone in this class to befriend people who don't want to be bothered? Bakugo was adopted by the same group that tried to force you into their club, even though he didn't want to be with them. Tokoyami is also an introvert, and he has his own group of friends too. The only person that gets left alone is Todoroki.

You wish people would leave you alone too.

"Oh come on! It'll be fun! Right, Ida?" Uraraka says as her hair bounces around her face, jumping into the conversation.

"Yes! As class rep, I need to make sure you are adjusting well to your classes," Ida says, chopping the air and trying in his own way to convince you to join them. They all noticed you don't hang around Mina and the others anymore, and it kind of worried them.

"I'm doing fine," You answer harshly, deciding to just leave and hope they don't follow you. You swing your bag over your shoulder and walk out of the classroom without another word, leaving the other three students to scramble to catch up.

"(L/n)-san wait!"

"Hey! It's rude to walk away from a conversation!"

You ignore them and continue to speed walk down the hallway, rounding the corner to lead outside the building instead of the roof like you originally planned. Midoriya and his friends would see you and catch up before you could make it there, so you have to choose a different route and you are not going to the cafeteria.

By the time they grab their bags and rush out of the classroom, you are already out of sight. "Dang it! I wanted to ask her a few questions about her quirk," Midoriya says, frowning with a slight pout at the empty hallway.

"It's alright Deku-Kun. I'm sure you can ask her another time," Uraraka responds, patting the upset boy's back. He sighs but turns down the opposite hallway towards the cafeteria, talking to his friends about a fight All Might was in this morning as they decide to leave you alone.

Meanwhile, the pit in your stomach starts to ease the farther away you get from the classroom. You swing open the door to the courtyard, wiping your palms on your skirt feverishly as you make your way to an unoccupied bench. Your anxiety has gotten worse lately, every time you talk to someone that isn't Toshinori it acts up.

You feel pathetic for being overwhelmed by your emotions, like a toddler who cries over a broken toy. You take a moment to catch your breath and relax your nerves before opening your bento box. You crack off the lid with a satisfying 'pop!' and pull out your chopsticks, about to dig in when someone speaks up behind you.

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